Example sentences of "[vb base] and [verb] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Descend and head back into the forest going south-west then south to post 21 .
2 Gradually the downward thrust of his naked loins became more urgent and uncontrolled , and in a final moment of spasm , his features spread and widened suddenly into a flattened mask .
3 The family are beginning to bubble again and we stop and chat happily to the old couple .
4 Pour in the stock , bring to the boil , then cover and turn down to a gentle simmer for about 1 hour and cook until tender , stirring occasionally .
5 During the half-halts , be strong with leg and positive with a blocking hand , then relax and sit quietly with a light contact , repeating this until the penny finally drops .
6 Push and stretch further for a count of 25 .
7 Retired some years back to grow vegetables on an allotment , and sit and stare out of the window . ’
8 Master and dame then went off to pass time with a neighbour , while the young people sit and talk happily around a good coal fire : " More free from care than knight or squire " .
9 Soil is comprised of several component parts that combine and behave together in a most remarkable way .
10 We 've had a bring and buy today at the club .
11 And when he 's fishing close inshore , watching the signals from his huer on the cliff path and ordering his boats to cast their nets to enclose the shoals of silvery fish that dart and move just beneath the surface , you look down from two hundred feet and you think to yourself , perhaps , perhaps …
12 She stretches out a hand and strokes my backside , but I stand and move away from the bed , dropping a wad of screwed-up tissue on the worn carpet .
13 I called out that we were ready , but there was no answer , and when I returned to the bedroom I found her lying back full length on the bed , her eyes open and gazing up at the ceiling with that same vacant stare .
14 We live , act , move , are temporarily satisfied , enjoy and suffer principally for the satisfaction of desire .
15 Can the child or children of the prospective family accept and relate meaningfully to the black child ?
16 The theme of lateness is developed here , of an existence which was once vibrant , as in summer , now mellow and dwindling away to the barren emptiness of winter .
17 The players include three guitarists , Bill Frisell , Vernon Reid and Robert Quine , who rage and soar far over the gutters of grunge-making ‘ Nightmare ’ , among many other things , one of the guitar albums of the year .
18 A weeping standard achieves a different form by having not a bush type but a rambler budded into the top of the stem , from where the long flexible rambler stems hang and drape down like a floral curtain .
19 The older surfers like Manetta and the younger Badlands faces meet and surf together at the less well-known spots on the local coastline .
20 The next morning , I overslept and rushed out of the house in a hurry .
21 if , they ca n't , they 've got this system when they can key it in you know and comes up with a price , but it 's that bloody strip
22 For example , you will allow your teenage daughter to stay out after twelve on a Saturday night , if she goes with friends you know and comes home in a taxi , and never alone .
23 A dolphin school will often divide up into subgroups while searching for food , which separate and spread out over a wide area of sea , still diving synchronously — evidence that they are probably in some form of acoustic contact .
24 It is thought to be exploring how insurance risks compare and fit in with the other financial risks it already manages routinely for customers .
25 Fibrous tissue replaces this , the capillaries heal and contract down over a period of months to leave a linear scar .
26 16.12 In the secondary school , pupils should continue to read , understand and respond perceptively to an increasingly wide range of texts .
27 Later child psychologists have noted how older children find and hang on to a favoured object such as a rag .
28 The noise is formidable , for the rocks clatter and bang away down a steel chute that dumps them back on the ground .
29 Gabriel saw bullets sparkle and flash all around the F2B ; and then a longer streak from the British observer 's rearfiring gun .
30 But our Key Person policy compensated us , which kept our backers and creditors happy , and eventually we managed to recruit new people , reorganise and get back on the rails again . ’
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