Example sentences of "[vb base] over a [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I mean to move on silently escaping , but I crash straight into a trolley , pushed by a bloke looking like one of the heavyweights in a James Bond film , so I leap away at speed as he snarls after me and knock over a pile of bean tins .
2 He conducted research into how artefacts gradually develop over a period of time , the study of which is known as typology .
3 Ellen had retired from the Christabel Focus over a question of principle .
4 As the patrol , now unloaded and debriefed , relax over a mug of tea and a cigarette , the depot slowly comes back to life around them .
5 Funnel crushed food into the tea strainer and shake over a piece of paper
6 Fewer than one in 100 patients wait over a year for treatment 25 times better than Northern Ireland , where the figure is one in five .
7 I nearly tip over a bucket of water , in which Lucker 's vodka is tucked up .
8 At other times in the past , temperatures appear to have fluctuated by as much as 10 degrees centigrade over a couple of decades .
9 Motor vehicles spew over a ton of lead into the atmosphere of Bangkok every day .
10 And as orchestras , even good ones , always Make mistakes in the same places , you carry over a lot of experience .
11 Somalia , July 1992 ; children fight over a bag of rice , the loser 's left to lick what 's left off his shirt , while 2 others pick scraps from the ground .
12 Throw over a covering of compost , peat , leaves or newspaper , wrap with sacking or cartons , and hardy plants will then be happy enough , for a few weeks if need be .
13 Can I put the Home Secretary back on the right road by telling him that the reason why morale in the Northumbria police force is low and why chief constables generally despair is not because the right hon. Gentleman suddenly makes a generous offer of help in a crisis , but because all chief constables , including the new chief constable of Northumbria , want consistency of funding so that they can be sure that they will get the officers and resources they require over a number of years ?
14 Most solids have sharp melting points although some , such as glasses , soften over a range of temperature .
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