Example sentences of "[vb base] over the [noun sg] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , while there are good reasons for concern about the availability of services for ‘ revolving door patients ’ during the run down of the old psychiatric hospitals and while doubts remain over the capacity of district general hospital units to provide appropriate care to people in crisis , the relocation of the long stay population of psychiatric hospitals is achieving some successful results .
2 Doubts remain over the fitness of striker Ian Baird and midfielder Derek Ferguson , both of whom are suffering from hamstring injuries .
3 Third , " consumers " — that is , patients , their families , potential patients — have traditionally had least influence over the kind of service they receive .
4 Thus there is no net loss or gain over the period of time .
5 It lit up the night sky above the East End of Glasgow like a burning city that was never consumed , every night flaring up again and again with a distant tumult of mountains of slag and iron , drinking the cold air and casting their baleful glow on the clouds that spread over the Valley of Pandemonium .
6 In 1979 there were 3,080 barristers practising in central London and 1,283 spread over the rest of england and Wales ; considering that most courts are now decentralised , this certainly seems to indicate an imbalance .
7 Its fifty-three recommendations included the extension and enforcement of state regulation of environmental health conditions such as overcrowding , smoke pollution , provision of open spaces , control over the distribution of food and the handling of milk ; work conditions should be improved , over-fatigue prevented ; mothers should be taught proper childcare and girls instructed in cookery and dietetics ; adult drinking and juvenile smoking should be curbed ; the state should encourage physical training and exercise ; there should be an adequate system of school medical inspection and a state-sponsored system of school feeding .
8 Control over the distribution of cocaine has been settled in the hillside slum communities .
9 Control over the quality of work within each classroom has until now been left almost exclusively to the headteacher with occasional support from the local and national inspectorate .
10 Control over the effectiveness of government activities involves the fulfilment of political goals by effective administration .
11 Clinical practice and public health often differ over the rationing of health care .
12 Many practitioners of orthodox medicine boggle over the accuracy of reflexology 's diagnoses .
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