Example sentences of "[vb base] only [verb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He destroyed my dreams in his first sentence by assuring me that the current wrought iron well cover only dated to the beginning of this century .
2 Shopwatch only started at the beginning of the year but is already proving effective deterring some casual shoplifters .
3 We 've only heard via the grapevine .
4 So I 've only written about the women who were important in my life — my mother , my daughters and my two wives — and I write about them deeply .
5 Mr Baker 's party takes a different view ; they 've only to explain to the public how we 're going to succeed if we do n't invest in our own future , in our education and training and in good social services for our people , because I do n't see how it can be done .
6 I 've only glanced through the book , but it contains a lot of personal recollections .
7 ‘ I 've only got to the end of the year but my family will be carrying on where I left off .
8 I 've only come for the afternoon because Sheila 's off sick .
9 However , it is notable that the individual practitioner has far more discretion in legal advice than legal aid , and need only refer to the Area Director where he or she requires an extension to the financial limit placed on the amount of advice which can be given .
10 Indeed , if you want to find out how it was that Bonn at grew wealthy enough to buy the many works of art that he did , you need only go into the room reserved in the museum , on the ground floor , for his society portraits .
11 These identifiers need not be valid and need only approximate to the range required , as LIFESPAN PMR will start and finish the report with valid identifiers which are nearest to those specified but which do not exceed the range given by them .
12 These identifiers need not be valid and need only approximate to the range required , as LIFESPAN PMR will start and finish the report with valid identifiers which are nearest to those specified but which do not exceed the range given by them .
13 These identifiers need not be valid and need only approximate to the range required , as LIFESPAN PMR will start and finish the report with valid identifiers which are nearest to those specified but which do not exceed the range given by them .
14 These identifiers need not be valid and need only approximate to the range required , as LIFESPAN PMR will start and finish the report with valid identifiers which are nearest to those specified but which do not exceed the range given by them .
15 These names need not be complete module names and need only approximate to the range required , as LIFESPAN PMR will start and finish the report with valid names which are nearest to those specified but which do not exceed the range given by them .
16 These identifiers need not be valid and need only approximate to the range required , as LIFESPAN PMR will start and finish the report with valid identifiers which are nearest to those specified but which do not exceed the range given by them .
17 ‘ SSDs need only to look at the legislation to see they should be meeting the needs of the black community through mainstream budgets ’ .
18 We need only look at the institutions .
19 Many growers , not only in Champagne but throughout France , still innocently cultivate Pinot Blanc Vrai believing it to be Chardonnay , although anyone with doubts need only look at the leaves on the vine .
20 In order to describe the sequence , we need only turn to the lectures which Eliot gave during and just after its composition : here he talked almost coyly of a poem which might develop themes instrumentally and arrange transitions " comparable to the different movements of a symphony or a quartet " , of a poem elaborate enough to exercise the dramatic , descriptive and narrative talents of its maker .
21 Investment companies need only charge in the profit and loss account those finance costs which relate to revenue : those which relate to capital will be charged in the statement of total recognised gains and losses .
22 ‘ The arson charge does not add anything to the prosecution case against Harper , so you need only concentrate on the manslaughter charge against him . ’
23 ‘ You have only to hop over the wall to reach them , supposing their dogs do n't get you . ’
24 phenomena which have only arisen in the period of advanced capitalism in which the state has intervened directly both in the organization of production and in consumption .
25 Such energies have only existed in the fraction of a second after the Big Bang .
26 They are products , that is , of the use of state power in civil society and as such they have only appeared in the period since Marx and Weber were writing .
27 Ultimately , however , it is easy for readers to charge that the mask was not penetrated , and therefore that we have only scratched at the surface .
28 We have only to look at the animal kingdom ; a creature in the wild will never overeat and , even if it has had to put effort into the hunting and killing of its prey , it will stop eating when it has had enough and walk away from the food .
29 You have only to look at the shape and solidness of a barbel to see where he gets his speed and power .
30 We have only to look at the string of sell-offs of assets of the former National Bus Company groups after privatisation to demonstrate conclusively that those are not far-fetched fears or exaggerated concerns .
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