Example sentences of "[vb base] come up [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And they 've come up with a splendid route , over 80 miles of miles of deep valley walks , riverside and forest walks ending with a cliff top section at Filey .
2 The young ( you can see it in their faces ) , the stegosaurus rugged no-hopers , the parrot-crested blankies — they 've come up with an appropriate response to this , which is : nothing .
3 So , we 've come up with the Practical PC-ometer .
4 In addition to the note I gave you about the AO Development course , we 've been discussing the range of courses available , and we 've come up with the following ‘ wants list ’ .
5 I think the last time you were here we were actually in the bottom half of the table but shot up to about seventh and since then once we got close to the people with games in hand and catching on the extra games we 've come up into the top three sometimes .
6 Supervised by a state functionary ( with a sqeaking shoe ) and led by an emotionally-chaotic project director , a group of architects struggle to come up with a high-rise building scheme that will destroy the ancient town 's character and , incidentally , clear away its slums .
7 Just need to come up with a brief
8 BIOTECHNOLOGISTS have come up with a surprising new way of repairing many scars and wrinkles — using purified cow-hide .
9 It has to be said that , with this membrane idea , BOSS have come up with a brilliant way of programming the ME-10 .
10 By studying regions of the proteins the proteinase cuts , they have come up with a small molecule that can block this scissor action .
11 The Beatles/Stones/Kinks/Peters And Lee have come up with a real smasher this time
12 Buffallo , however , have come up with a good trowel at a very modest price .
13 Following new yarn developments in France , Charnos have come up with a beautiful lustrous leg look that is built for comfort — ‘ Sheer Lustre ’ tights at £2.99 with 10 denier appearance leg .
14 A group of US magazine publishers have come up with a novel weapon for the US Information Agency 's propaganda efforts in Eastern Europe : their unsold magazines .
15 LISBURN have come up with a novel way of raising much-needed cash for the club .
16 Recognising that a lot of women are taking to the hills , and that they may feel a little intimidated by such a male-orientated sport , especially since they all dress in the same fluffy things as us now , I have come up with a startling new innovation .
17 Now Cystic Fibrosis researchers in Oxford have come up with a potential cure .
18 Cyclists and the Forestry Commission have come up with a special scheme , policed by rangers on mountgain bikes , cyclists are allowed anywhere in the forest , apart from 3 nature reserves which are out of bounds and families as well , as the more energetic are catered for with an 11 mile trail along disused railway tracks .
19 Electro-acoustic technology being one of the main battlegrounds in the acoustic guitar war , respected US makers Guild have come up with an all-new pickup to accompany their all-new range of guitars .
20 Employing those conceptions , we can ask how we can know that we have succeeded in referring to anything , and how we can know that we have come up with an accurate description of what we have referred to .
21 There 's nothing more romantic than mother nature herself and Schwarzkopf have come up with an exciting new product for colouring hair — the natural way .
22 Together with American businessman David A Gold and technical experts from West Germany , they have come up with an exciting new development for hair .
23 Investment analysts have come up with the following forecasts for earnings growth :
24 It can not be much fun to have a big crowd turn against you when you have come up with the top score of the day , inspired your team , and done your best to uphold the game 's standards of decency and chivalry .
25 EFFORTS to improve atomic clocks have come up against an unexpected hurdle .
26 With the breakdown of the administration , crime syndicates have come up in a big way .
27 They have to come up with a long-term training strategy — and offers of help have come from both the World Federation for Mental Health and the Richmond Fellowship .
28 If you do want to start your drama sessions with a game , do n't feel you have to come up with a different one each time .
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