Example sentences of "[vb base] get [adv] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I want to get away from the era of continual press conferences and announcements and long speeches .
2 IF you want to get ahead in the fashion stakes , get a hat .
3 I want to get home to the party tea , it 's ten to four .
4 like to get straight to the point
5 I like to get home before the rush hour . ’
6 He would work more overtime and try to get home for the winter .
7 And we always try to get together for a while in the same room before we play a concert , just to make sure we have a talk and a laugh .
8 ‘ When I am on holiday I love to get away to the sun to a place where there is no television or telephone .
9 Two areas of France dominate French bikesport — the Auvergne area , which has produced Christian and Dominique Sarron , Morillas and 1982 250 world champ Jean Louis Tournadre , and the Cote d'Azur , which has given us Raymond Roche , Jean Francois Balde and Ruggia — and these local heroes love to get together in the winter for fun and games .
10 And I mean we , quite obviously , we get them involved with er school trips , as a matter of fact , I 've just organised a er thing I 've got here at the moment organised a er trip must be a good one must n't it !
11 Right , erh what I 'd like to do then is er I say could you just introduce yourself or what you 're working on at the moment where you work and then the sort of presentations that you make er and then give us one of your objectives so that by the time we 've got right round the room we 'll er hopefully have everybody .
12 So it 's a distance they 've got away from the start .
13 actually caught with , I think he was just starting on that when Mike come down , er but , he got it out this magazine rack because it was at the back of there I put it , cos it 's this year 's the others I 've got upstairs in a drawer
14 We 've got there in the lead .
15 ‘ Lately I 've been getting a hankering to play country music again , so I 've got together with a friend and put together a fun band called Modern Farmer .
16 All bits , other bits of equipment as well , you 've got sometimes in the back of police cars you 've got brooms and shovels to clear the mess up off the road , yeah have you seen a policeman clearing up the road , saving people
17 Today the two teams end the Eighties in opposition again and , to mark the occasion , fans of both teams have got together in a spirit of goodwill and charity .
18 We have to get away from the idea of saying ‘ Where does it say I ca n't do this ? ’ to ‘ What is the spirit of this ? ’ , and observe the latter . ’
19 There was a home opened in Tayside earlier this year — a 90 bed home — and this is flying in the face of what a lot of people have put in a lot of effort arguing with health service that you have to get away from the concept that 80 , 90 , 120 beds is a small unit .
20 As with the Yashica and Minolta AF-SP , the 35mm lens means you have to get close to the action if your photos are to have real impact .
21 I know it 's risky — a lot more risky than if I waited for Yukio to finish programming the starpod — but I just need to get away for a while , by myself , and think .
22 What you should recognize is that it is a warning sign that you have been doing too much , and that you need to get away from the patient , at least for short periods in the day , if not for some days or weeks .
23 We need to get more on the end of our play — that 's why we 're looking to strengthen things up front .
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