Example sentences of "[vb base] get [to-vb] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I sort of was a bit lost on me trig so that 's really what I want to get to go through a bit of trig .
2 ‘ Now we 've got to decide on a wedding date .
3 ‘ Common mistakes are to feel they 've got to live near a beach , when they can in fact drive visitors there from many other areas in half an hour , ’ says Jonathan .
4 You 've got to go for a ball that 's on the table .
5 Well it means I 've got to go on a Thursday so if you run out of money on a Tuesday with run out .
6 I 've got to go on an errand this mornin' , but as soon as I get back , I 'll … well , I 'll do the rounds and I 'll come along an' tell you .
7 ‘ I 've got to go to a Fatherhood Class , ’ he told Jane gloomily .
8 I 've got to go to a meeting .
9 you 've got to go in a minute love
10 Tim erm licked your knife , right can we erm have a I 've got to go in a minute .
11 What they do , I mean just play a game , it 's just a ga it 's a it 's a game , like sort of Simon says , try and catch them out in things , you 'll say right , now you 've got to point at a window , say , and then you have to point at , and you can get them all doing it , you
12 everything basically comes down to numbers , er see , when I was talking to you earlier about about canvassing , right , I said basically you work on key words right now you do n't need you , one , one of the things that I talked to you about canvassing is that if you notice the difference between a good canvass and a bad canvass , at least we did n't in fact activity sort of work to do in it , now if you take a , take a activ activity as being , being a key word and you discuss activity with them , right , you can then look at , at activity right as a variation on activity as there is on to action , right , now sit and do my script and talking to a customer , right , and mouthing and mouthing and mouthing and mouthing and saying your bit to a customer , you 've got to sound like a parrot , now I know the way you canvass , the centre of action between you and the cu and the punter , do you see what I mean ?
13 some stage you 've got to say to a kid
14 I think you 've got to believe in a product
15 I 'll explain it to you , if you 've got to stand in a circle because you ca n't see from over there you wo n't actually ever do this yourself , but you may well see it being done , in fact you probably will .
16 People must n't think that because there 's a computer , they 've got to think of a use for it . ’
17 I 've got to pay for a turn
18 Yeah I 've only got to go to the bank and got to pay something for Gary , I 've got to pay in a cheque for Gary again cos he 's ever so low again this year , this week , this month
19 The thing is you 've got to get into a routine have n't you ?
20 The Co-op butcher was , had got his own shop lower down You could get everything in that one street and now in this modern age , we 've got nothing , we 've got to get on a bus and get into Walsall and so this is where it , we get infuriated because you know , in this progress we 've lost out have n't we ?
21 I do n't think you , you 've , you 've got to try in a way not to shut it off too much erm and yet it , i you 've just got to sort of be able to not shut it off but sort of create different areas
22 You 've got to look for a home for her now , cos we 're er , moving home .
23 Right , you 've got to look for a car , or a bear .
24 You know , he can move back home with his mum , she said , I suppose I can go back home to me mum , well then I 've got to look for a job , you know .
25 Sales people are naturally competitive , but they 've got to work as a team .
26 We have got to work towards a situation where burning is no longer the routine disposal method for getting rid of surplus straw . ’
27 ‘ All good things have got to come to an end , ’ said Stephen .
28 ‘ She lost less weight on Saturday than she had at York and we have got to think of a crack at the Arc .
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