Example sentences of "[vb base] make [pron] [adj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Some of these representatives by sheer ability and drive make themselves indispensable to the successful working of the machine ; others merely represent points of view which come into conflict with it .
2 But , why did the Dock Commission decide to make it compulsory for the men to be employed by them and not by the firm ?
3 Or again : ‘ If you try to make yourself content with the happiness of the pig , your suppressed potentialities will make you miserable .
4 We can also recognise , as we did , at an , on an earlier paper that it is national government policy and increasingly so , to encourage the development of capital schemes , borrowing , we noted that in relation to transport and the availability of S C A's I think it 's also right to say that the government does set down the level of borrowing which can be entered into in in any one year , that is the credit approvals are controlled by the government and they do make them available to the County Council and to district Councils , so in a sense , the government is both saying that we expect borrowing to be a feature of a budget and also that we want to control , and restrict the amount of money that can be borrowed through the amount of credit approvals .
5 This chapter is about details but , as usual , the same principles still apply : have your overall picture and your ultimate objective in mind and aim to make it easy for the presenter to present and audience to receive .
6 Once you have made yourself familiar with the basic sewing processes , you will then be able to cope with any of the projects in this book .
7 Both Michael Lynagh and David Campese have made themselves available for the tournament .
8 The anti-smoking campaigns in the media in the last few years have made everyone aware of the risks we run if we continue to smoke .
9 By mixing Redgra with shale , Oxford 's neighbours Swindon have made theirs one of the best tracks in the country .
10 RICHARD GOUGH and Trevor Steven will be examined by Rangers ' medical staff today but the injuries sustained at Fir Park last night have made them doubtful for the European tie with FC Brugge .
11 Televised Saturday successes in the Golden Spurs Handicap Chase at Doncaster , Sandown 's Scilly Isles Novices ' Chase and the Arlington Final at Newbury have made him one of the most popular finds of the season among the nation 's punters .
12 To summarize : although Paisley and the other ministers of the Free Presbyterian Church have always maintained a clear division between ‘ constitutional ’ and ‘ party ’ politics — the Church has a position on the constitution but does not back any particular party — the close historical and biographical links between Church and Party have made it impossible for the Free Presbyterian Church to avoid either being tagged with the label of being the DUP at prayer or on occasion being disrupted by the spill-over of tensions from the Party into the Church .
13 The company 's current order book demonstrates why its diverse skills and expertise have made it one of the country 's most sought after building , civil engineering and mechanical and electrical engineering contractors in recent years .
14 Assuming Dr Powell 's right , the people of Venice will be able to continue living their lives in the manner and surroundings which have made it one of the world 's greatest cities .
15 The Scots and the Welsh and the Irish have clearly retained very strong national cultural characteristics , which have made it necessary for the student who wants to make accurate distinctions to say ‘ British does mean something , and it 's something to do with the Briton overseas ’ .
16 Reid , preparing for today 's confrontation at Ewood Park , declared : ‘ Blackburn have made it harder for the rest of us but there is no point in bleating about it .
17 ‘ As for the County Council 's wish for the WHR freehold , we believe the course suggested by the High Court for the Ffestiniog Trust to seek the Amending Order is the best safeguard for the future of the WHR , and we have made it clear to the Council that we would respect their wishes concerning footpaths , cycle tracks and so on . ’
18 I have made it clear to the right hon. Gentleman and to the House that we believe that the Union between the United Kingdom and Scotland is important .
19 I have made it clear to the people who work there and to the management that I am against the encouragement of tobacco addiction and in favour of measures which will prevent the use of tobacco in public places .
20 I have made it clear to the Under-Secretary of State for Northern Ireland , the hon. Member for Wiltshire , North ( Mr. Needham ) , that in general terms I have every sympathy with the people in the Housing Executive and the Department of Health 's occupational therapy department whom , in effect , I shall be criticising .
21 Once I know how fast my ‘ feeder is emptying , or have made it empty at the pace I require , I cast very frequently for the first twenty minutes or so — as fast as the emptying of the ‘ feeder will allow — and then slow down only just enough to keep a steady trickle of feed through the swim .
22 After all , when you decided to buy a Toyota , you recognised the attributes that have made us one of the worlds foremost manufacturers and our cars such good quality and value .
23 In return sportsmen and women have to make themselves available to the press and the sponsors for promotional purposes .
24 You really have to make it inconvenient for the car or improve local transport .
25 You need to make it clear to the recipient what it is you want of them .
26 We need to make it clear by the way we stand and hold a gaze , and by the way we speak , that we can not be so easily dismissed .
27 That all teachers , particularly those working at secondary level , require work to make them aware of the nature of language , in addition to work on language in particular subject areas .
28 That all teachers , particularly those working at secondary level , require work to make them aware of the nature of language , in addition to work on language in particular subject areas .
29 ‘ In January we plan to make them available throughout the country . ’
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