Example sentences of "[vb base] their [noun sg] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Expect his team to group around the yellow jersey , lots of nervousness and shoving in the peloton , while adventurous riders test their strength at the front .
2 Note that we are assuming that both sets of firms sell their output at the price p t and that they have identical real wage elasticities of demand ( - α ) : that is , the firms are identical in every respect other than the timing of their wage contracts .
3 His big chance comes on Thursday , September 23 , when Stagestruck , the province 's newest musical group , make their debut at the Bedford Street venue .
4 But there 's no doubt it 's the smelly ones which will be attracting all the attention when they make their appearance at the Chelsea Show .
5 But senior members of the cast reveal their surprise at the lack of training for young , inexperienced colleagues , the lack of rehearsals and the way lacklustre storylines were sent out from London .
6 Reasonably enough , newly elected or re-elected presidents interpret their success at the polls as a mandate to move the country in new directions .
7 Instead he stumbles on America , setting up a colony of fornicating drunks who deservedly get their come-uppance at the hands of the Indians they mistreat in the name of Christianity .
8 Witness their behaviour at the Lapithae wedding feast when the centaur Eurythion tried to rape the bride .
9 He should have a say in how the guest speakers use their time at the event : should they meet the press or the mayor , where can they go for a bit of peace and quiet , even reassurance , and so on .
10 Visitors can see Barnaby 's bazaar of teddy bear souvenirs or try their luck at the tombola , where they could win one of the teddies donated by a celebrity .
11 The band follow their appearance at the NME 's Gim me Shelter gig last month with gigs at .
12 He scored twice in the closing eight minutes to force a 4-4 draw , a result which helped the Paisley men increase their lead at the top of the table to two points .
13 And just back to football , the South Midland premier division ; Thame United retain their lead at the top of the table with a narrow but in the end , comfortable victory at Langford this afternoon .
14 Announcing that " the time for negotiation has arrived " , de Klerk invited representative black leaders to " walk through the open door " and take their place at the negotiating table " together with the government and other leaders who have important power bases inside and outside Parliament " .
15 Travellers making Thun their destination at the end of this circuit have an interesting option available to them .
16 One possibility seems to be a corridor effect in which improvements in the links between major centres ( the ‘ grands poles Europeens ) reinforce their dominance at the expense of regions in between .
17 Bachelors have their staircase at the front of the house off the entrance hall ; young ladies theirs from the mistress 's boudoir on the first floor to their bedrooms above it .
18 Richmond Town Council believes The Fosse should be a long stay car park because it used by day trippers who spend their day at the riverside .
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