Example sentences of "[vb base] to be on the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Despite an existing voluntary Code of Practice , reproduced in part below , drawn up by the National Farmers ' Union to minimise any nuisance and existing legal controls , complaints appear to be on the increase .
2 It is not simply that cases of public library censorship appear to be on the increase ( although there is no substantial evidence to confirm this ) , but that the question of determining what is and is not censorship can be so time-consuming .
3 But the reality is different ; collapsed scrummages appear to be on the increase , despite the obvious dangers .
4 At this early point in the 1990s , we appear to be on the edge of ‘ something ’ .
5 If you want to be on the register and are aged between 18 and 40 , and weigh at least 8 stone , you can write to : The Donor Department
6 ‘ We want to be on the cover of Smash Hits … and we deserve it , ’ announces bass-player Ian , resplendent in his rubber trousers bought from a Soho sex shop .
7 I think we only want to be on the mainframe so that the divisions can access details in the middle of the night .
8 Why do people want to be on the stage ?
9 He can not claim on the one hand to be at the heart of Europe and at the same time want to be on the periphery of Europe and seem to want us to go at a slower speed than anyone else .
10 I know booksellers who regard the written word with the utmost suspicion , profess that they do not understand it , and will have nothing to do with it ; dealers who specialise in autograph material , but will not touch books — unless , of course , they happen to be on the subject of autographs ; and many who maintain an ambivalent attitude , preferring to keep their options open and , if they can afford it , employing some eccentric especially to deal with this awkward material .
11 As no children seem to be on the way , the doctor recommends that the couple make love from 10.30 to 11.30 in the morning and 2.30 to 5 in the afternoon , as well as in the evening , a situation that causes Alfredo to break out in a rash .
12 They seem to be on the way to finding what they need .
13 ‘ They own 8 million bicycles — and they all seem to be on the road at once , every day ! ’
14 Why do all the hooligans seem to be on the row in front and the row behind me ?
15 An ‘ A ’ level Chemistry set of 15 students may contain six whose performances in a trial exam six months before the end of the course suggests they are unlikely to pass , and another two who seem to be on the borderline .
16 ‘ I 'm all for sharp manoeuvres , Gareth , but I like to be on the inside of them . ’
17 You 're the only person mixed up in this business whom I believe to be on the level .
18 However , despite the publicity given to the more extravagant claims about the impact of new technology on the level of unemployment , and the popular notion that the silicon chip is a job destroyer , a survey , published in 1979 , of some 400 documents on the effect of the new information technologies on employment showed ‘ how little foundation there is to existing studies , half of which are by pessimists ( often with a trade union background ) and the other half by optimists ( who tend to be on the employers ’ side ) ’ ( Institute for Research on Public Policy 1979 ) .
19 JAPANESE engineers claim to be on the verge of building the world 's most efficient Stirling , or heat ’ exchange , engine .
20 We prefer to be on the river . "
21 Players say that saturation television coverage , crazy kick-off times — 2130 on weekday nights or mid-afternoon on blazing hot Sundays when people prefer to be on the beach — and the fear of hooliganism combine to make soccer an unappetising prospect for all but the most fanatical supporters .
22 We 're not going to have people are not going to have the choice about whether they buy a house or rent privately or wish to be on the council housing list , we 're going to force them off .
23 and they 'll get very worried , and it 's quite a difficult area because you have to be on the look out for something that 's not right , but you do n't want people to get er very worried because those feet are going to be very mobile and doing non walking thing until the child walks , they 're also very fat and podgy are n't they little babies ' feet ?
24 ‘ You never know who is coming into the building ’ , Margaret said , ‘ which means you always have to be on the alert to prepare a tray of sandwiches .
25 We need to be on the look-out for unknown visitors .
26 However , with both companies you need to be on the share register for 12 months .
27 ‘ Mike — Michael O'Brien — will help , but I need to be on the spot . ’
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