Example sentences of "[vb base] not have [verb] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Libyan contingents seem not to have achieved unity among the various Palestinian factions .
2 Though they were as a rule sparing in the use of force , this was for reasons which seem not to have included sympathy with civil disobedience .
3 In Sheffield , householders do not have to carry refuse to the end of their drives — how do we construct league tables to reflect that ?
4 NOWR As you do not have write access to this module via the current package , you can not enter a new version .
5 You do not have to spend money on peppermints , either .
6 One 's social position as an autonomous , equal adult is ascribed : Buid youths do not have to achieve equality with or autonomy from adult men through acts of violence , as among so many headhunting societies in Southeast Asia .
7 They argue that causation involves one event ( the cause ) generating or producing another event ( the effect ) , and that we can obtain direct knowledge about this causal generation : we do not have to infer causality on the basis of temporal priority .
8 Bumble-bees do not have advanced knowledge of aeronautical science , yet some extremely complicated maths is required to explain why it is that a bumble-bee can fly .
9 The course provides opportunity for : ( i ) graduates from African , Asian , and Pacific backgrounds to undertake advanced study of Christianity directly related to their own setting ; ( ii ) persons who have worked , or who expect to work , in cross-cultural situations to examine the religious context in which they operate , or to reflect constructively on their experience ; ( iii ) prospective candidates for research involving cross-cultural or inter-religious study who do not have specialised training in these fields , to bridge the gap between previous academic study and the new material .
10 ‘ Stories are much easier to write in the sense that you do n't have to retain interest for 500-odd pages .
11 But people do n't have to take part in an organised event to register .
12 I am pleased that whilst we have the ability to talk to most people , we do n't have to spend time with all of them .
13 Because , because I 'm a complete stranger so I do n't have to spend time with you at all , so you know .
14 If we look at regional Governments across Europe that do n't have to go cap in hand every time to some deadbeat in White Hall , right , they go straight to Europe and they network across Europe and they exchange ideas and things happen .
15 But you do n't have to study genetics to be sure that there are , or at least once were , genes influencing differences between caddis houses .
16 So you do n't have to surrender part of your pension with in mind .
17 Their rates tend to be lower because they do n't have to pay commission to middlemen .
18 Cos now we do n't have to pay interest on our fees , i if , if , if a jam 's spread over six months a a a and it might risk and slip to nine months , we might do better to offer to jam spread it over nine months and only invoice for part of the money .
19 Well we do n't have to pay attention to it and er it 's not necessary to record every word is it ?
20 You do n't have to make contact with the ground on which the ball sits , and if the ball does lie in any little depression , an old divot hole or a slightly poor lie , the putter lends itself to sending the ball bobbling on its way .
21 " You do n't have to make money for me .
22 £9,000 is the maximum you can invest in your TESSA , but the great thing is you do n't have to have access to that amount of money all at once because you spread your savings over 5 years .
23 Is it that you prefer not to have to eat dinner with a wardrobe ? ’
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