Example sentences of "[vb base] not [vb infin] [pos pn] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ In Norman Lamont we have a quiet man , but do not underestimate his contribution to getting the country out of slump . ’
2 I said how depressing asylums must be , but he said quickly " I do not mean my picture to be depressing . "
3 Do not give your camera to a passing stranger and ask him to take a picture of you , so many times it has happened that the stranger has then run off with it .
4 However , we do not expect our computers to be capable of experiencing emotions , even though emotions are clearly a fundamental part of human intelligence .
5 Men blend their behaviour less than women , but their androgyny and blending do not affect their susceptibility to traditional gender schemas ( Heilbrun 1984 ) .
6 The parents have said they do not want their schools to be self-governing but they see the legislation as the only way to avoid closure .
7 Mercedes-Benz , Siemens and Bayer do not owe their success to the Bundesbank : the Bundesbank owes its strength to German industrial progress .
8 Moreover , associatives are not the only group that can appear prenominally but which do not assign their property to the entity identified by the phrase of which they form part ; two other types ( to be discussed in Chapter 6 ) are exemplified by former and sheer .
9 So large , that when plans to flood their lowland were first announced , the Rut landers protested , ‘ But we do not wish our county to be just a towpath around a lake ! ’
10 What has to be explained is why in the long-term stagnant economies the innovators do not turn their hands to productive capital accumulation ( or , for that matter , to the mobilisation of political forces , though this would not be Baran 's argument ) .
11 Erm , now , the the third thing was about the training program , just to reiterate where we are on this , that if a request is made for personal development training in the current year , if you remember we , if we identify training needs that that we as management identify , that people need in order to do there present job , and then that takes absolute priority and we should get on and do those , but we get a large number of requests where people erm are , saying that they like to do things which they do n't need to do , but which they think will better equip them , and if they 're , if we 're getting any new requests this year with an expectation that further expenditure will be sought in the next financial year , that 's ninety four , five , then that request will be refused , in other words we ca , we do not see our way to committing ourselves to any
12 Conspiracy theorists do not address their argument to the enemies identified by the theory , for they are deemed to be beyond argument .
13 As the statement makes clear : ‘ Students who are involved in sexual/romantic relationships with staff and who do not consider their involvement to be truly consensual should have the right of complaint under a sexual harassment policy . ’
14 ‘ I do not permit my house to be occupied by gentlemen who stay out all night .
15 Do n't block your mind to the seeming impossibility of the task .
16 Do n't leave your decision to the last moment — you should not expect your surveyor to hurry a report which can potentially save you thousands of pounds — talk to him as soon as you have chosen your purchase .
17 I do n't really think it 's good enough for Nelly to say that he was socialist because I do n't think his attitudes to women
18 Do n't recount your excuses to me .
19 They do n't want their children to be underspread everytime they walk out .
20 Both of the men were quite badly shaken by the incident and understandably do n't want their names to be released . ’
21 ‘ When I grow up , ’ he said , smiling at her phrase , ‘ I do n't want my life to be anything like theirs .
22 we 'll talk to Sue Dave that needs to be , to find out if we can , what 's happening elsewhere cos she can through her colleagues and I will also I I do n't think I 'll ring Margaret but I 'll give Terry a ring Morden who 's the record of achievement guy there and get on quite well with him just to find out what sort of tap they 're taking on it cos er yeah , I I take very much what Sandra 's saying as do n't want our youngsters to be disadvantaged in anyway if others are lies , damn lies and
23 ‘ Surely you do n't expect our animals to be the same as yours ? ’
24 ‘ I do n't regard my engagement to Peter as any sort of mistake , ’ she managed to say .
25 Och but do n't mention our Gillian to me .
26 ‘ Please do n't break your promise to Dana — I shall survive ; and now you must excuse me , I have a lot to do before I go to the NEC . ’
27 The written document produced in the process belongs to service users and provides them with necessary information to challenge service providers if they do n't fulfil their contributions to the plan .
28 Do n't close your ears to the world and do n't give up .
29 But Atari do n't like their machine to be seen as a fashion accessory .
30 ‘ If you do n't connect your portable to a network then you 've a lot of data going to waste , ’ he observes .
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