Example sentences of "[vb base] not [vb pp] it [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Cos I 've not seen it with the curtains
2 Mind you do n't your tongue with that I tell you what they had in er Woolies market as well , I do n't know whether you 've seen them and I do n't , I 've not got you know an old Argos catalogue to compare prices , cos they 've not got it in the summer one , but they have them in the winter ones , it 's like a , a tool box , but it 's on wheels and you make it up , you , you know all the screws and the wheels come out and you 're not , it 's all plastic , I think it must be from age three , because of the little bits , and it 's like erm , I 've seen it somewhere , where I 've been , it has little figures sat in this erm , what would you , it 's like erm , a bit like a truck , yeah , and it 's got the , the figures in it
3 The bonus is combined with your normal pension payment for the first week in December , so if you have not received it by the end of that month ask at your local Social Security office .
4 The jobless total has risen by forty four percent in a year : just around the corner from grail engineering evidence of firms which have n't made it through the recession , and empty industrial units where firms have yet to try .
5 WHAT DO you do when your image as a bunch of glamorous rock'n'roll animals starts wearing thin , and you still have n't made it into the big time ?
6 But we have n't done it for the past eighteen months .
7 If you apply to the fund at the beginning of the month you 'll likely to get something , but hard luck if you apply later on in the month , but that she 's taken up as an open letter to Jerry Hayes , but so far I have n't seen it in the press .
8 Can you hold it here so it 's security keys and I have n't turned it round the other way .
9 You must get the alternative there first , and we have n't got it at the moment .
10 Because you have n't got it in the correct mode it 's not working algebraic .
11 Now if you leave can I suggest leave erm leave half a page empty if you have n't got it in the front yet .
12 jelly boy put the tape in then Aaron and I 'll press , there I 'll fast forward it , no you 've got it , you 've got it , no you have n't got it round the right way
13 As long as er I keep finding places that I have n't , you know thi this is leaving it to the la I have n't left it till the last minute , but all las la you know I keep looking at it and thinking well
14 But that said , erm what what it what the position is , er i is that we have put into the model Well we have n't put it into the model because it was given to us a part of the model and possibly by now North Yorkshire may have the revised model , No they have n't yet .
15 I said I have n't put it in the bin .
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