Example sentences of "[vb base] not [adv] [vb infin] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They mostly do not adequately safeguard pupils against a casual , almost literalist , understanding of symbol .
2 Hence there is likely thereafter to be some saving of paper in future years so long as most members do not also demand copies of the full accounts under section 239 .
3 This reveals that these words do not just carry information about proportions but also about speakers ' expectations , and even speakers ' expectations about hearers ' expectations and so on .
4 Third , conjunctive relations do not just reflect relations between external phenomena , but may also be set up to reflect relations which are internal to the text or communicative situation .
5 We suppose , for instance , that what somebody says to us will be relevant to the occasion or to what has just been said , that people do not just issue utterances at random .
6 Before and after , within a phenomenological time , separate experiences , not ontological objects , and they do not even separate experiences by number alone .
7 ‘ I am numb , I do not even feel anger towards whoever did it . ’
8 In fact , newspaper editors sometimes do not even exercise control over large sections of their newspapers .
9 Unlike negotiation , consultation procedures do not generally allow disagreements to be referred up to higher levels of the machinery ; once the formal consultation has taken place , management may implement its measures with or without agreement .
10 Moreover , size itself is an important factor since greater quantities of lava or tephra do not simply produce landforms of a similar form but larger size .
11 She disagrees with Leach 's statement that ‘ two-year-olds can not be good or naughty on purpose because they do not yet know right from wrong or understand what makes the difference ’ .
12 Although , at this stage , there is still some mismatch between policy and practice since the research findings revealed that some children do not yet have access to an effective modern language curriculum .
13 The experiment was designed using situations and events which do not clearly put individuals in different major roles .
14 But the mass media do not single-handedly give shape to the contours of the political system .
15 Youth ( a comparative term in this context ) and experience do not normally go hand in hand .
16 I do not normally give way to someone who has just ambled into the Chamber , but I shall make an exception on this occasion , because I rather like the hon. Gentleman 's florid looks .
17 ( Lecturers at the Open University do not normally give lectures at all ; they produce correspondence material for their students , as well as working with BBC colleagues on the production of radio and television programmes . )
18 These state that the trustees of the foundation ‘ do not normally make grants for … research involving animals ’ .
19 Directors do not normally expect payment for their services though a small gift might be appropriate .
20 This means that the people of Brobdingnag do not normally have visitors from other parts of the world .
21 A special link is used in conjunction with passwords and allows users who do not normally have access to a user 's modules without supplying a valid password ( as they are in a different branch of the user tree ) .
22 Do not automatically add salt to a meal .
23 Some exclusion clauses do not totally exclude liability for a breach but only restrict it .
24 Another disadvantage of yield to maturity is that investors do not typically hold bonds to maturity .
25 Though these documents do not necessarily show evidence of cost-effectiveness thinking being employed in their production , they are the first sign that market forces are having an impact .
26 Changed issues do not necessarily throw organizations into an anxious state of transition ; if they are any good , they are always in transition .
27 Unfortunately , the only easily quantifiable measure is new membership of the library but this is inadequate and inappropriate when the present wider range of services go beyond lending services and into the provision of various information services which do not necessarily require membership of the public library .
28 The rate at which heat is flowing out of the Moon was measured at the Apollo 15 and 17 landing sites , but because of the unknown distribution of energy sources in the Moon , the poorly known thermal conductivity of subsurface materials , and the likelihood that the Apollo 15 and 17 results do not typify the whole Moon , the heat-flow measurements do not much constrain models of the lunar interior .
29 While the statutory grounds of attack do not specifically mention error of law on the face of the record , later courts have given the formula a broad interpretation .
30 It should be established at the outset that many large blue-chip companies do not actually use search at all .
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