Example sentences of "[vb base] be [vb pp] [prep] the last " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , I attended , I used to run an A T C squad , well I used to run the two different ones in London , and A T C squadrons , and I must say I 've been invited to the last two open nights .
2 Each time they 've been reprieved at the last moment .
3 and they can put that on the recorder but I 've been told for the last two and a half years by this government that I am not unemployed .
4 Two projects in the area of personal and social development have been completed within the last year :
5 Is there any evidence that such limits have been recognised in the last 12 years ?
6 Although modelled growth rates for carbonate concretions imply that formation may take 10 5 years , these concretions are found in sediments that have been deposited in the last 50 years .
7 And , I mean , reluctantly we have to accept that this is not an ideal world , but I mean , just now , we were actually looking at the number of food hygiene inspections that have been done over the last few months , which have increased enormously , it just means , I mean it emphasises the fact that food has changed , food , and the number of places that are actually serving food now I mean , the corner shop does sandwiches .
8 More importantly it has also been the experience of the many students on whom the approach , exercises and problems have been piloted over the last four years .
9 In our Galaxy , only four have been seen during the last thousand years : in 1006 , 1054 , 1572 and 1604 , but there is no knowing when we will see another .
10 Fifty-five people have been killed in the last twelve years .
11 But the essence of your answer to the questions that have been asked over the last twenty minutes or so , is we have n't done it that way .
12 In my opinion , and for the reasons I have tried to formulate , such a refusal would not be consonant with relevant legal principles as they have developed and have been applied in the last 50 years .
13 A survey by the Worcestershire Nature Conservation Trust has concluded that 97 per cent of the county 's wildflower meadows have been destroyed in the last 40 years .
14 Er one has only to walk down the road here for example at Strensall but equally , the first point I made would be to contradict perhaps what Mr and Mr have said er because the the difference in employment distribution is a reflection of the pop planning policies that have been followed over the last ten years .
15 To encourage mobility , two separate initiatives , both covered by EC Directives , have been developed over the last few years .
16 Our joint ventures with LVMH continue to progress well thanks to strong personal and commercial relationships which have been developed over the last five years .
17 With the increasing array of modern pharmaceuticals which have been developed in the last forty years or so , the concept of treatment with opposites has once more dwarfed the concept of treatment with similars which has never been accepted by the medical establishment .
18 Also , many new methods for analysing maps have been developed in the last decade and the UK is a world leader in this field of spatial statistics .
19 No matter what great advances have been made in the last 12–18 months , there is still an awful lot of blood being shed in the country .
20 Second I want to say a few words about the efforts that have been made in the last twelve months to increase the G M B's role in the building and civil engineering industries and third I want to say something about the present serious situation in the building industry pay talks .
21 Although you may be tempted towards a lender by the promise of an initial discount , a far better way of telling how competitive they are is by looking at the history of what borrowers have been charged over the last few years .
22 Selections from the modern theatre may include characters that have been created over the last sixty years , from Noel Coward to Steven Berkoff .
23 KAILZEE GARDENS , Nr Peebles , Scotland Spring , summer and autumn are well represented in the gardens which have been re-created in the last 20 years .
24 In addition , specialist teams have been engaged over the last few years in the systematic examination of the wide range of packaging materials used within the Group .
25 So much so that , despite the recession , more than 250,000 new businesses have been started in the last 12 months — and over a third were set up by women .
26 Recognise that where words have been borrowed in the last 400 years , there are some characteristic sound-symbol relationships that reflect the word 's origin , eg ch- in French words like champagne , chauffeur , charade , and ch- in Greek words like chaos , chiropody , chorus , compared with ch- in long-established English words like chaff , cheese , chin .
27 Hundreds of thousands of small , sometimes hidden , cameras have been installed in the last decade , mainly to detect crime or monitor traffic .
28 The second criticism is that though public expenditure and public employment have been reduced during the last five years , this has not resulted in any upsurge of employment in the marketed sector .
29 The selvedges are the outer edges of the rug where the weft strands have been wrapped around the last few warp strands in order to hold the rug tightly together across its width .
30 Scenes such as these may be witnessed in many of the special units for disruptive and disaffected pupils which have been established in the last ten years .
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