Example sentences of "[vb base] be [verb] [adv prt] for [det] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 've been racing around for most of the day .
2 I 'm not , I 've been sitting down for half an hour .
3 She said people receiving the letter should not worry that they have been singled out for any genuine reason .
4 The Cavaliers and Roundheads have been stocking up for another season , re-enacting the English Civil War .
5 Individual project boards have been set up for each area of market testing .
6 Another common advance ordering practice is that of selecting books a few months before publication , after scrutiny of information provided by library suppliers or ( in the case of academic libraries ) by specialized alerting services which have been set up for this purpose .
7 The lessons are recorded so that the trainee 's performance can be reviewed and measured against criteria which have been set down for that skill .
8 ‘ You have been thrown over for another woman , that 's what I think .
9 Stone and marble fixtures weighing 400 tonnes from a garden in Boston have been shipped over for this sale .
10 Similar schemes have been drawn up for several mammalian groups , certain butterfly genera , various reptiles and amphibians while a good deal of work has been carried out on the distributions of the avifauna .
11 A great deal of technological work has been done recently on the seasoning of wood , and safe accelerated drying schedules have been worked out for all kinds and dimensions of timber .
12 Siemens says that few major innovations have been brought out for this small but very steady market for the past 10 years , which should guarantee take-up .
13 Although this written account is extremely tenuous , patient archaeological excavations that have been going on for many years on Santorin are beginning to reveal a story to rival that of Pompeii .
14 Talks have been going on for some time on a range of scientific matters including fusion , nuclear safety and the environment .
15 Pilot tests have been carried out for much of this year with both the Choice loans package and direct access , but TSB Direct was formally established on November 1 .
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