Example sentences of "[vb base] a [noun] for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Other market roles invariably involve a search for the best exchange opportunities for translating an initially owned asset into something more eagerly desired .
2 The eleven staff , headed by principal advisor , Debbie Dean , also provide a service for the surrounding community .
3 These give additional depth to the painting and provide a framework for the distant forms .
4 In practice , they constitute something of as guide to interested bodies ad provide a framework for the main items of legislation introduced by an incoming government in the first session or two of a new Parliament : most manifesto promises are usually implemented .
5 The primer has to protect metal from corrosion and provide a bond for the top coat .
6 As an added incentive the Chester-le-Street group of clubs provide a trophy for the first CIU member past the post and this year the clubmen 's shield went to Paul Casey from Osborne Social Club .
7 MINIS , when properly developed , could identify and measure the performance of departmental cost centres , and thereby provide a potential for the comprehensive reorganization of departments based upon the principle of decentralization to managerially autonomous accountable units .
8 Such a policy runs directly counter to the current policy of using the NHS to train staff in giving long stay care and provide a model for the private sector .
9 It also has the effect of raising the back edge so as to hide the joints at the bottom and provide a start for the graceful curve down from the top edge .
10 Provide a towel for the exclusive use of each child .
11 Some quality of original acquisition must , in other words , provide a justification for the perpetual privatisation of property and the consequent denial of its use to third parties .
12 To book , please send a cheque for the full amount made out to ‘ Historic Scotland ’ to .
13 We should not , however , expect a question for the initial verb alone since this is only possible in English for verbs which describe something as being , in some as yet ill-defined sense , " done " to their objects : ( 69 ) what did Rafferty do to the cistern ? and this can not be claimed for the verbs preceding clausal adjectives any more than for a verb which precedes an explicit subordinate clause .
14 Er so you want a bugler for the Last Post .
15 so you know if you just say a pound for the whole lot
16 For any Whites who harbour a sentiment for the famed Seadogs of Scarborough , chairman Geoffrey Richmond has resigned after a boardroom row over admission prices .
17 The awards are held at the Bains Douches club and provide an opportunity for the exhausted fashion business to get together , congratulate each other , slag each other off , and get appallingly drunk .
18 When you conduct a symphony for the first time you may fear a breakdown in every bar .
19 When the refugees landed in Havana , they would be given by the Hamburg-Amerika line a receipt for the unused part of the fare .
20 Once the Lords have made their claim they will , in due course , receive a cheque for the claimed amount .
21 People in Great Britain really have no idea how fortunate they are in so many ways — the right to free speech , and even the ‘ right ’ ( ! ) to throw an egg at the Prime Minister and only receive a bill for the dry cleaning .
22 This means that we must examine the data carefully to see whether there is any difference in meaning between the uses with and without to , and then seek an explanation for the curious appearance of to with this sense of know .
23 The ‘ Lang comes back from the grave ’ phenomenon makes the whole election seem a disaster for the anti-unionist forces , but it was much less of one than 1979 .
24 For this give a prize for the best creation .
25 Provide paints and give a prize for the best-decorated egg .
26 I eat a minimum for the next seven days .
27 Amateur organisers inevitably pick a venue for the wrong reasons .
28 In sufficient numbers innovation-weary teachers can make any change a change for the worse if they implement it in a resentful , half-hearted or half-baked fashion , and under these conditions even the brightest and the best schemes are going to flop .
29 Extensive experience at interviewing can help the manager develop a sense for the good candidate but the danger is that the interviewer finds people whom he/she regards as sympathetic and compatible .
30 Bell Resources is a crucial element in the deal , since Mr Bond planned to sell it his Australian brewing interests — including Castlemaine XXXX — and then launch a bid for the enlarged group with the backing of Lion Nathan .
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