Example sentences of "[det] could [be] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This could be turned into the future by add the suffix -mi .
2 In the case of a commission , this could be sent to the client as a proof .
3 The Budget increases in excise duties will add just over 0.5 per cent to the cost of living in April , a touch more than last year 's effort , but this could be offset by the switch from poll tax to council tax .
4 ( At the end of the War , it was found that over 50 deaf men from Manchester Institute for the Deaf were entitled to the Defence Service Medal for their work with the Civil Defence , and this could be repeated throughout the country .
5 This could be achieved by the reduction of consumption of fossil fuels , increased energy efficiency and the installation of more effective emission control equipment on motor vehicles and power plants .
6 This could be extended by the incorporation of a mask .
7 However , he insisted that this could be distinguished from the cognitive validity of knowledge .
8 An echo of this could be seen in the fascination expressed by many middle-class men with the physical features of working-class women and in the concurrent attempts at sexual colonisation embodied in prostitution of working-class girls .
9 The army captain and the naval navigator practised swimming ashore at night , taking turns to act the part of a sentry while the other stalked around the acting guard until this could be done without the swimmer being detected .
10 There are preliminary data showing that high unrefined carbohydrate diets lower serum creatinine levels in those with renal failure so this could be combined with the suggested drug regime ( Rivellese et al , 1984 ) .
11 They also express the hope that the citizenship record of school pupils could be given more weight by universities and other institutions of higher education when admitting students , and this could be facilitated by the inclusion in UCCA and PCAS forms of a standard section in which a reference to community involvement could be included .
12 This could be facilitated by the construction of a new residential environment , with the street rebuilt without pavements and used for both motorised and foot traffic , with space shared , uses mingling and with all users granted equivalence .
13 This could be organised by the language co-ordinator in the primary school , and by the head of English in the secondary school .
14 This could be let into the wall , which would mean taking up valuable wall space and also involve duct work .
15 In an ideal world I would have far more bogwood than even the extended budget allows , but I expect this could be remedied over the ensuring months .
16 During negotiations , Newco should try to avoid any general qualification that the warranties are given to the best of the vendors ' knowledge , as this could be interpreted to the effect that a vendor giving a warranty subject to this qualification has relied on the information given to him by management , and again distances the vendor from the risk .
17 This could be interpreted as the card with most appeal to young women lacking good taste .
18 Head circumference had not been recorded for 137 men , but this could be estimated from the two head diameters by using the regression equation derived from the 1042 records which included the circumference and both diameters .
19 He added : ‘ All this could be solved by the captains .
20 Mr Mullan said he would discourage people from travelling to Dublin without tickets , but said there was a slight chance that some could be bought for the proper price outside Croke Park .
21 Exactly how much could be gained from the support of a saintly patron can best be seen by turning to the position of Gregory at Tours , in particular to the events leading up to his trial , for purportedly slandering queen Fredegund , at Berny-Rivière .
22 An apparent opportunity for , or at least inclination to , US participation in Vietnamese national affairs as suggested in Saigon was soon to become a recognized imperative in Washington : and when the French ministers arrived in October 1950 to ask how much could be expected from the US to avoid financial disaster it was the drain of resources in Vietnam as much as the problems of French rearmament in Europe which prompted a close examination of French budgetary as well as military plans .
23 She had a pretty shrewd idea that Desmond had only the haziest notion of how much could be expected from the various books , and she had intended to keep it that way .
24 Accordingly , there has been a gradual realization that the endeavour should advance over a broader field rather than trying to seek a ‘ universal ’ method ( Dearden , 1981 ) , that subjective methods are probably more cost-effective ( Price , 1976 ) , that any method should include room for different tastes ( Jacques , 1980 ) , and that much could be learnt from the approach of experts in the area of aesthetic and artistic judgement ( Carlson , 1977 ) .
25 Consequently , each could be strengthened by the support of the other .
26 But first it was necessary to take the village of Longueval : the two positions were considered as one objective , since neither could be held without the other .
27 Until suitable workshop facilities could be made , it was clear that little could be done on the Oxford 's airframe .
28 Three screens showed views of the slim man 's shelter of rocks , but all that could be seen of the target were the streams of laser fire that issued from his blaster .
29 Their counsel , John Mitchell , QC , said that it had yet to be decided whether an appeal would be pursued and it was unclear whether that could be arranged before the meeting at Brockville tonight .
30 That could be determined against the local plan .
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