Example sentences of "[det] could [be] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As a supporter of balanced budgets , however , he insisted that this could be funded from defence cuts made possible by the " peace dividend " , rather than through deficits or higher taxes .
2 Furthermore , gradation could equally lead to heavier sentences than might otherwise have been given for conduct which comes within the higher categories , although this could be regulated by appeal courts and sentencing guidelines .
3 ( It is suggested that this could be developed in association with COSLA ) .
4 This could be developed by reference to the following arguments : ( 1 ) History is a social necessity .
5 This could be precipitated by instillation of 210 ml of air into the stomach .
6 The British public , after years of sacrifice , were less and less inclined to tolerate prolonged austerity ; and , though in other fields the Labour Government was extremely successful in diverting resources away from consumption and towards investment and exports ( at considerable cost to its own political popularity ) , there were limits to the extent that this could be achieved in electricity .
7 ( On Fig. 2 , this could be represented by evolution up to the optimum life history by a series of horizontal or vertical steps . )
8 This could be represented by Figure 1 .
9 Superficially , this could be cited as evidence of progressive social change .
10 Perhaps this could be tackled by section : garlic for Cookery , cordite for Thrillers , baby lotion for Children 's , Musk Rose for Romance .
11 If they then still chose to seek engineering jobs , this could be seen as evidence of commitment .
12 This could be seen as evidence that there is a level of automatic syntactic processing which is not always used in sentence comprehension .
13 Although this could be seen as evidence that subjective risk was not present for this subject , it could equally be regarded as a self presentational bias on the part of the subject who may have felt that feeling risk would imply dangerous driving .
14 This could be seen as indoctrination and not education .
15 But new barriers were built up at every step , so he continued to seek an opportunity to resign , if this could be done without disobedience to the will of God .
16 ACL would communicate the issuance of the DFR to ACL 's office at the consignee 's location ; this could be done in conjunction with the sending of an arrival notice and manifest , or separately .
17 Surely this could be done by computer .
18 This could be combined with enclosure , but was not necessarily identical with it .
19 So far as digital penetration with one finger is concerned , if this is less serious than other types of penetration , this could be reflected in sentencing .
20 The documents were handed over on the grounds that this could be compelled under section 2(2) of the Criminal Justice Act 1987 .
21 This could be interpreted with reference to Article 3B , ‘ the objectives of the proposed action can not be … achieved by the Member States ’ and the principle of subsidiarity would thus provide no obstacle to the Community 's action .
22 The coral does n't seem to gain anything from the relationship ; the gobies can sometimes be seen pulling mucus off the coral , but this could be interpreted as parasitism rather than symbiosis .
23 If this could be proved beyond doubt , direct drilling would fit in well with the organic philosophy .
24 It was also estimated that 60 per cent of the fruit and vegetable crop had been lost , although this could be blamed in part on almost continuous rain between late August and October in the main vegetable-growing belt of central European Russia , Byelorussia and the north Ukraine , with the result that crops had rotted in waterlogged fields .
25 Importing jute from India , its merchants found that this could be mixed with whale oil to provide hard-wearing coarse fabric .
26 The first was that the informal wages policy arranged by Bevin had been successful in stemming wartime inflation , and it was assumed this could be continued in peacetime .
27 This may be the case for some manual workers , though by no means all , but there are large numbers of people on low incomes who for one reason or another could be hurt by Labour 's plans .
28 ‘ DOUBTFUL , ’ Portsmouth , Hants , writes : FANTASTIC stories are told of how much could be earned in World War 2 .
29 " A great impetus would be given to this School if 10 Exhibitions of £10 each and 10 of £5 each could be offered for competition to boys attending the elementary schools of Stockport . "
30 I would be treading a tightrope — or at the least could be accused of insensitivity — were I to speak more of this particular sister-in-law .
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