Example sentences of "[det] can be [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 Again this can be turned to the researcher 's advantage .
2 This can be upgraded to the Pentium chip when it becomes available in the second quarter this year .
3 Lastly , the hearth has to be tended , constantly supplied with fuel , and this can be likened to the need for the home to be paid ongoing care and attention , the absence of which will be felt as a cold and empty atmosphere .
4 This can be related to the concern in Derrida 's work with the politics of feminism and other positions which contest institutional and political appropriation and exclusion .
5 This can be related to the polymer molecular weight M 2 through so that and finally
6 The production of and resistance to the antibiotic is coded for on plasmid pAg K84 , but unfortunately this can be transferred to the pathogen in the presence of another opine ( nopaline ) , which is contained in crown gall tissue .
7 This can be ascribed to the absence of any craft-related explanation of the changes .
8 A part of this can be credited to the team 's frugality .
9 This can be applied to the case of marriage , where there will of course be usually sanctions of varying degrees against behaviours that threaten marriage , and sexual activity outside marriage may be disapproved of , but this does not imply that merely not engaging in marriage is disapproved of , nor that an unmarried condition is sanctioned .
10 This can be continued to the subsequent horizon .
11 To some extent , this can be linked to the consultation of process ( 2 above ) .
12 By expanding the logarithmic term and assuming that in dilute solutions this can be restricted to the first expansion term , ln a 1 can be related to the mole fraction of the solute x 2 .
13 But if it does , travellers like Gwenda need worry no more and scenes like this can be consigned to the past .
14 With hindsight , this can be attributed to the inadequacies of his principle of inertia and of his lack of a clear conception of gravity as a force .
15 This can be attributed to the narrower intrinsic width of the source emission line , which is less than 0ยท01 eV , and to the lower energy of the ejected electrons .
16 In part this can be attributed to the diverse scopes that have been claimed for sociolinguistics ( see Trudgill , 1978 : Introduction ) , but in part it comes about because sociolinguists are interested in inter-relations between language and society however these are manifested in grammatical systems : sociolinguistics is not a component or level of a grammar in the way that syntax , semantics , phonology and , quite plausibly , pragmatics are .
17 KPMG advice on these can be given to the client or the client 's lawyers .
18 KPMG advice on these can be given to the client or the client 's lawyers .
19 KPMG advice on these can be given to the client or the client 's lawyers .
20 These can be related to the master series : 3 , 4 , 6 , 8 , infinity .
21 For instance , the hauling of drums proposed by Messrs. Glover are without doubt the best system and these can be applied to the original idea which has been adapted by Messrs Gwynne , viz : one free balance rope and two hauling ropes to each tank .
22 For instance the hauling drums proposed by Messrs. Glover are without doubt the best system , and these can be applied to the original idea which has been adopted by Messrs. Gwynne viz : โ€” 1 Free Balance Rope and 2 Hauling Ropes to each tank .
23 These can be compared to the original volume to calculate the percentage of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air .
24 However , today 's enlightened experts realize that there is little point in discovering important diet guidelines unless these can be presented to the public in a form which makes them realistic and easy to incorporate into daily eating .
25 Some of these can be attributed to the subject matter for study itself ( โ€˜ the objects of study are so utterly different that they require fundamentally different methods and forms of explanation and understanding โ€™ Benton 1977 : 12 ) .
26 Not all can be traced to the Black Death , but it must have been a significant factor .
27 So we do n't want to be any under any illusions about that , and the same can be applied to the fact that we have made no real provision for nursery education , that we were in trouble over special needs in this county , that was a a requirement to restore services that were well below the S S A on Social Services , and we really all this er this er , new administration has done , has been brought those up , those services up to what would have been regarded as a quite an unacceptable level with most of the the the authorities in this country .
28 Characters , drawings , etc , that can be transferred to the artwork by rubbing them off the back of the transfer sheet .
29 Two aspects bear examination , and both can be related to the SAAB case outlined earlier .
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