Example sentences of "[det] have [adv] [been] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Now that has clearly been the right choice given that I think Motif has clearly achieved the ascendant over open look .
2 well we used to come in here before went and that has n't been the same at night cos it got a bit so he 'd say excuse me , love there 's ladies present here ca n't have that .
3 Possibly intending a pun on the word ‘ horary ’ , he named it an ‘ orrery ’ ; and this has since been the usual English word for a mechanical planetarium .
4 Curiously enough , though , this has not been the major concern of feminist work in the social science disciplines of linguistics and speech communication .
5 Yet this has not been the only old law turned to by the police .
6 Yet in Japan this has not been the only reason for being able to use less energy to do the same job .
7 Though there is a case to be made for its use as an educational medium — and the BBC 's contribution to the Open University at Milton Keynes has been considerable , if politically questionable , and will continue despite the closure of their studios in a fine example of accountant 's false logic — this has not been the main area of impact .
8 This has never been the Conservative system …
9 This has always been the only way in which future interests in personal property can be created .
10 This has always been the leading point of contrast between written and spoken language , but with maximally informal conversation , the contrast becomes dramatic indeed .
11 However , it is still common to see exchange rates expressed in terms of the dollar , partly because this had long been the accepted practice under the adjustable peg , and also because of the USA 's continuing dominance in the world economy and financial system .
12 I represent the principle of authority and am bound to make it respected in my person : such has always been the conscious object of my relations with the working class . ’
13 There are many projects where farmers have seen potential benefits from a project , but where these have not been the same as those anticipated by the project designers .
14 Yet these have also been the first two years of the Making Belfast Work programme , which if we are to believe the glossies , is the answer to structural unemployment of over one third of the workforce in West Belfast , using even the government 's definition of being unemployed .
15 That after all has always been the federalist hope .
16 That had n't been The Last Straw ; far from it .
17 That had always been the constitutional position , he said , but the big demonstrations of the past few days had proved that he had a popular mandate too .
18 Come to think of it , that 's really been the biggest change in music since it started coming on ‘ gramophone records ’ .
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