Example sentences of "[vb pp] [pn reflx] [adv] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Nicholson , who is being paid a handsome £5 million , is reported to have immersed himself so completely in the part that he wanders around the set mumbling the notorious Hoffa 's favourite phrases — even after the cameras have shut down for the night .
2 No Church before committed itself so decisively to the rightness of modern biblical criticism and the freedom of biblical scholarship , while it continued to maintain the Bible and the faith of Easter as indispensable to the moral predicament of humanity and of its societies .
3 Pumlumon seemed to have got himself quite well into the enchantment now ; he was looking much less worried than he had looked ten minutes earlier .
4 This has shown itself most vividly in the miserable business of Macedonia .
5 Although she 'd helped herself only sparingly from the selection ranging from herring in various preparations through varieties of other seafood to choices of pâtés and cuts of prime meat accompanied by several types of bread and salads , she 'd found the meal delicious and satisfying .
6 Until the pound perked up yesterday , the Exchange rate mechanism had asserted itself yet again as an Evil Restrictive Morass after Portugal 's escudo leapt in with both feet on Monday .
7 Someone of my acquaintance once broke her ankle by falling over in the bathroom and while she could have dragged herself quite easily along the floor to a telephone in the bedroom if she had had one , as it was it took her the best part of an agonising hour to struggle down the stairs to the phone in the living room .
8 He reiterated one of the problems that dogged him throughout life , which was fatigue ; for although he had on the whole a ‘ tough ’ constitution — at least he liked to think so — and tremendous will-power , he had driven himself very hard over the past twenty years .
9 At this point a further contradiction in Sartre 's whole enterprise begins to open up : for someone so deeply distrustful of universals it seems curious that he has involved himself so emphatically with the notions of totality , History , and the dialectic .
10 Early this year I secluded myself up here for a life of quiet , concentrated study and meditation , rediscovering myself in the vastness and solitude of the mountains .
11 A party that had thrown itself so uncompromisingly into the campaign against Home Rule , and which had long ago accepted the need for " organization " in domestic affairs , could hardly accept for long the leadership by ineffective compromise which was what Asquith offered .
12 Volcanicity had been again reduced to a minimum , though what there was showed itself very significantly along the line of the future Hercynian front .
13 Digby Wyatt 's earliest extant building is the Gothic Aldingham Hall , Cumbria , of 1846 to 1850 , and although he designed the Pompeian , Byzantine , English Gothic , Italian and Renaissance Courts at the re-erected Crystal Palace at Sydenham in 1854 , and The Art Journal commented that he had ‘ in practice attached himself more heartily to the classic ’ , he felt , like Scott , that the nineteenth century should have its particular form of architecture , but unlike Scott , he thought that this should be an adaptation of the Cinquecento style .
14 On both her outings Silk Slippers has thrust her attractive nose in front just where it matters and in so doing has established herself not merely as a valuable stud prospect , but an exciting candidate for next year 's 1,000 Guineas and Oaks .
15 She had hugged herself tightly then against the nausea she always felt when Rob was flying and begun her desperate bargaining with God .
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