Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] and the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Whilst working alone the craftsman also has no real need to describe or control the process elements , as he contains , in his head , the understanding of how the design is intended to work and the necessary stages to make this a reality .
2 Congressional threats to resist the dissolution of the Congress , however , were not expected to materialize and the major parties were already preparing for the election campaign .
3 There 's a song , ‘ Bright Lights ’ , which is about doing what you want , outside of the realms of what you were programmed to do and the inner process of achieving those goals ’
4 The introduction of economic reforms in urban areas also bore Zhao 's hallmark and he was committed to reform and the open-door policy .
5 The population of Tor Yvresse is less than half what the city was built to accommodate and the wide boulevards seem empty even when the entire population takes to the streets during the great Festival of Masques .
6 The loss ( i. e. the amount to be deducted ) is the difference between the price the buyer had agreed to pay and the lower price which the seller is able to get on a re-sale elsewhere .
7 Without that provision , either the appointing authority will have to be persuaded to act and the other party persuaded to drop its objections , or an application would have to be made to the court for a declaration as to whether the reference should proceed .
8 Well we 've heard what Edward has had to say and the local communities I 'm certain draw great comfort from that and we wait and see whether Brussels will exercise its powers , quite legitimately in my view , and and call this in .
9 The TV high in the corner was tuned to KWEX and the Spanish commentator was getting as frantic as the fighters .
10 But this last is precisely what Mr Lawson has long wanted to do and the Prime Minister absolutely forbidden .
11 He came after Billy 's mother and father had gone to sleep and the whole house was quiet .
12 Lord Wylie agreed that the case should be allowed to proceed and the next stage , if there is no appeal to the House of Lords , is likely to be a legal debate on whether it is time-barred .
13 Since the Plaza Agreement the US current account deficit had continued to increase and the current account surpluses of West Germany and Japan also continued to rise substantially .
14 Eventually the institution will find itself in the residual phase , in which the external constituency has ceased to exist and the biological growth is eroded by the loss to the movement of the uninterested children of the members .
15 The solution is allowed to cool and the single strands bind to the oligonucleotides , which are in excess
16 The day had been cool and overcast with intermittent drizzle but now the sky had begun to clear and the dappled clouds made a patchwork of blue and pale grey with a hint of hazy gold .
17 The polarity between the ideals the kore-type was evolved to express and the new ideals evident here perhaps makes this moving work not quite an artistic success .
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