Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] his [noun sg] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The direct cause of the Clapham Junction accident was undoubtedly the wiring errors made by Mr Hemingway , ’ the report says , adding : ‘ He has never sought to evade his reponsibility for the appalling consequences of his errors … not one word of excuse came from Mr Hemingway . ’
2 In fact in its original Hebrew setting the shepherd referred to a totally different picture — one who actually cared for and was perhaps even prepared to give his life for the sheep , protecting them from very real danger from which they could not be expected to protect themselves .
3 He opened his eyes and prepared to correct his daughter for the several hundredth occasion in their lives together .
4 Mr Aichi had had to withdraw his candidature for the governorship of Miyagi prefecture when it was revealed that he had been on the take .
5 Everything was now irradiated by this feeling , which was bound to affect his work for the good .
6 ( First Edition ) KEVIN DRINKELL , Coventry City 's record signing from Rangers , is set to make his debut for the Sky Blues in the Littlewoods Cup tonight , against Grimsby Town , the club where he spent the first nine years of his career .
7 The ex-CSKA Moscow goalkeeper is set to make his debut for the reserves against Oxford tonight .
8 Harrison had never tried to conceal his dislike for the Major and Carew .
9 Despite the persistent rumours of drug use Barry commanded a considerable degree of popularity , particularly amongst the city 's 70 per cent black population , and on Jan. 21 , 1990 , he had planned to announce his candidacy for a fourth consecutive term as mayor .
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