Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] from [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The factoring industry , which speeds the flow of cash to business , should be well placed to benefit from the ending of the recession — when it comes .
2 Of total foreign investment in Czechoslovakia over the previous 2 years only 11 per cent had gone to Slovakia , and the common perception was that the industries of the Czech Lands were in general better placed to benefit from the programme of rapid privatization emphasised by Klaus .
3 They should be well placed to benefit from an increase in the number of direct point-to-point flights .
4 As the epidemic progresses , younger cows would be expected to disappear from the pool of infected animals .
5 The exception is not remarkable as H pylori has been reported to disappear from the stomachs of subjects in whom atrophy , with consequent hypochlorrhydria , has supervened as the organism requires acid secreting mucosa to survive .
6 Another grandmother , while ‘ an unwearying entertainer ’ to her grandson , ‘ a familiar friend , ever kind — too indulgent ’ , was a less welcome guest to his parents , for whom her presence was ‘ not an altogether blessed arrangement ’ , and she was expected to retreat from the parlour to her own room upstairs well before the master of the house returned from work .
7 And finally , a greater diversity of provision , a mixed economy of welfare , is expected to develop and the public social services are expected to move from the role of monopoly provider into that of the ‘ enabling authority ’ who , by developing their purchasing , contracting , and planning role , will in part be providers in a market but will also be those who create a market of care services which takes account of local needs and demands .
8 She had stopped to drink from a can on the way up , caring little now for what it might be doing to her .
9 You 'll be hard pressed to choose from the array of goods displayed in the shops lining the main street .
10 To identify people by name can be seen to detract from the objectivity of the report .
11 We are , however , well prepared to benefit from a restoration of consumer confidence which is expected to follow resolution of the new administration 's policies .
12 Notice that already , in talking about different tones , some idea of function has been introduced ; speakers are said to select from a choice of tones according to how they want the utterance to be heard , and it is implied that the listener will hear one-syllable utterances said with different tones as sounding different in some way .
13 And the work that France has done to escape from the tyranny of oil has already begun to pay handsomely .
14 The ceremony is said to derive from the day in the year 52 when San Barnaba did the same thing outside the walls of Milan to symbolize the city 's conversion to Christianity .
15 One can see why The Ancyent Marinere prejudiced the success of the volume , and the ‘ simplicity ’ of many poems can be seen to emerge from a background of rather precious cleverness .
16 The bulk of the benefits are seen to derive from the effects of increased competition and lower costs which lead to lower prices , and also stimulate investment .
17 Increases in money wages are seen to result from the activities of strong trade unions who make use of their monopoly power in the control of the supply of labour to push for wage increases in excess of those required to compensate workers for rising prices and rising productivity .
18 Will the Minister consider the wider context of the risk to arts funding in the Docklands corporation area with the withdrawal of LDDC funding , which is threatened to start from the end of March ?
19 In the normal case three months should suffice and the period should be made to run from the service of a review notice .
20 Some of these are unavoidable , others are said to result from the use of animal insulin , which differs slightly in structure from human insulin .
21 While these features of the proposed legislation were foreshadowed in earlier government papers and initiatives it is worth exploring why it was decided to break from the practice of national consensus seeking through discussion and persuasion and to introduce legislation .
22 That is to say that some changes are believed to arise internally within the system and are motivated by system-internal factors , whereas others are said to arise from the influence of neighbouring languages or dialects .
23 The maximum of this loss peak is seen to move from a temperature of about 360 K ( 0.01 Hz ) to about 400 K ( 100 kHz ) , which is an increase of 40 K over a frequency change of seven orders of magnitude .
24 However , although at this stage the inner reaches of PCF life , the practical realities of daily party cultural work , were slowly revealing themselves to Nizan , his intellectual and ideological development was still very much dominated by sectarian rhetoric and abstract , idealised images of a better future destined to arise from the overthrow of capitalism .
25 He must have been well placed to advance from the re-establishment of his supremacy over the Picts in 672 to the imposition of it also on the Scots , and an opportunity may have been provided when Domangart was slain in 673 and his nephew , Máeldúin , son of Conall Crandomna , became king .
26 This dichotomy of surplus extraction and extra-economic coercion in the capitalist mode of production , although giving rise to a variety of state forms , has tended to detract from the role of the state , ideology and all other aspects of the ‘ superstructure ’ within the totality of this mode of production .
27 Often referred to as a ‘ lumbar punch ’ , which sounds like a particularly nasty boxing foul , it is commonly thought to paralyse from the waist down those few lucky enough to survive the procedure , or at least render them impotent and incapable of sexual intercourse .
28 In the block we start running from just in front of the ladder , but on the night we 've first of all got to run from the block to the wire , which is twenty yards away in the nearest place and then put the ladder up .
29 Such membrane changes are the hallmark of NANC nerve mediated relaxation and are thought to result from an increase in potassium conductance .
30 These bands of sand are thought to result from the clearance of woodland in the area surrounding the site with resultant soil erosion and the in-washing of soil into the loch from the bare ground surface .
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