Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] from [noun] ['s] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Walden , whose nickname ‘ der Bürgerschreck ’ seems to have been well earned to judge from Kokoschka 's portrait of him , was in his socialism and later communism a forerunner of the much more politicized cultural scene of the Weimar Republic .
2 Both developed and developing countries have sought to learn from Japan 's experience .
3 Twenty years earlier , those who had dared to dissent from Franco 's view , or who had merely questioned it , had been dismissed , exiled , imprisoned , demoralized or professionally ruined .
4 The PPF insist pool is set to emerge from snooker 's shadow and believe ‘ Dazzling Daz ’ can attract the necessary television exposure .
5 that you would have boys go out with no forewarning , tripping over stumbling blocks here , there and everywhere and girls who are not even allowed to benefit from others ' experience , let alone , have their own .
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