Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] at [adv] one [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Write a short essay on reciprocal dumping because define what reciprocal dumping is you 've also got to give at least one example of reciprocal dumping , right , so you do n't have to give any detailed examples just erm E E C waste er food policy in these days reciprocal dumping would be subsidized after exports in order for America to sell its few exports it has to so it is best subsidised definition define what it is give application of concept erm if the concept involves measurement , say how it , how it can be measured say an effective protection trade , er say how it could , how it could be measured
2 During your course you will be asked to give at least one talk .
3 All schools using the project are strongly encouraged to have at least one staff member attend a day long training course to provide background information and to familiarise teachers with the technique of pupil led discussion groups , which are an important feature of the project .
4 To complete our user records , which the EC Directive also obliges us to keep and up-date , could you please , as Horticultural representative on the Computing Sub-Group , co-ordinate a response from AD , GD and HD as to the names of all operators who are estimated to spend at least one hour per day working at a multi-user PC as part of their normal duties ( I 've already got user names for single-user machines ) .
5 Whaddon boss , Les Bence , told us ‘ The competition might seem one-sided what with all the other teams being school sides and us also getting a bye until the semi-finals , but I am determined to see at least one cup in our cabinet this season . ’
6 In group A the Paper Tigers with their amazing bouncing ball have lifted their rounders difference to great heights while Dr Blobby and the Blobettes have at last picked up some points from a game , which means that all teams this year have managed to win at least one point .
7 But first , with news of a team that 's managed to get at least one foot OUT of the grave , here 's Erika .
8 Each set of chambers is required to have at least one clerk , who performs the functions of office administrator and accountant , business manager and agent .
9 Each subscriber to the memorandum of a limited company with a share capital is required to take at least one share and against the name of each must be shown the number of shares that he takes .
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