Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] they in [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd see both these birds in the zoo , so I was fascinated to see them in the wild .
2 If students in the 1990s have difficulty in distinguishing all the political parties and coalitions that sprang up in Petrograd after the February Revolution , how could a peasant in 1917 be expected to assimilate them in the place of the Tsar , who at least represented a more easily understood form of political authority ?
3 They say they have obtained my name and address from an agency : clearly they have decided to market them in the North-East in a big way . ’
4 ‘ Soliciting … she was known to have men at her house and was seen to stop them in the street .
5 ‘ I 've got to leave them in a taxi-cab in Inkeroinen . ’
6 You 've got to put them in the order so you can see him , but the other person ca n't
7 Table 3.3 shows some alternative orderings for a word list of 2461 words , together with the number of edges needed to represent them in a dawg structure .
8 They can find their way into waterways by a number of routes — mainly via those sewage systems which are not equipped to remove them in the treatment process .
9 It meant the ability to educate and supervise his own children rather than be driven to place them in the mill , and to preserve a customary life-style .
10 Such people should be diagnosed by experts and given appropriate treatment which will prevent them from re-offending ; if necessary they can be detained to incapacitate them in the meantime .
11 Well you 're dad 's not allowed to put them in the van and bring them home either ?
12 you 're meant to get them in the bin not out of the bin .
13 The next thing to remember is that fish are live animals and you are not allowed to take them in the cabin of the aircraft .
14 Other stalling techniques are also deployed to detain them in the station on such days ( prolonging station business , extended conversations in parts of the station where they are less visible to management , carrying messages , and so on ) .
15 On the supply side both the quantity and quality of designers emerging from design courses may be that good designers are not receiving the recognition in terms of pay , conditions , status etc , required to keep them in the field and/or in the UK .
16 Overall these data indicate that the informal sector is the main provider of help to older people , especially with the personal and household tasks which are required to maintain them in the community .
17 The proper case is one where the administrator reasonably requires to see the documents to carry out his functions and the production does not impose an unnecessary and unreasonable burden on the person required to produce them in the light of the administrator 's requirements .
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