Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] [adv prt] to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 for me , so , I 've arranged to go back to the dentist then .
2 Surely Baldwin , whatever his desire earlier in the imbroglio , can not at this stage have wished to go back to the Cabinet on the following morning and announce that a wayward King , who had already compromised his position with most opinion both at home and in the Dominions , had suddenly changed his mind , at least temporarily , and , having attracted the maximum publicity to his preference for Mrs Simpson over the Throne , was now prepared to ditch her and try to pick up again the pieces of kingship .
3 They are expected to report back to the software house and tell the programming team about any bugs they find , any inconsistencies , and so forth .
4 Under George Bush , NASA was committed to go back to the moon and on to Mars , and the space station was arguably a step on that road .
5 There was no clue to contemporary thinking at the DTp throughout the 1970's : indeed , it was not until 1987 that a new standard reference work was published which could reasonably be expected to provide up to the minute advice on traffic planning in existing urban areas .
6 He might be banished during cleaning , but he was still permitted to jump on to the bed .
7 I am shortly to find out , for I am booked to fly out to the Falkland Islands in a few days !
8 The time had come to splash out to the tune of forty quid a head for the eight members of his party who had travelled with him from the Forest of Arden to Sussex by the Sea .
9 So , for example , someone met initially at work may be brought home to a meal , or arrangements may be made to go out to the theatre , perhaps .
10 A police spokesman said all four people held had now been released without charge , although some had been bailed to report back to the police at a later date .
11 But he went down to Suffolk very often , much more often perhaps than he would have done had Wyvis Hall been destined to pass back to the Berelands or on to one of those cousins in the United States .
12 And and and and across the board there has been a cut of er , er of of of just below fifteen per cent , that that the that er er , our cut is forty five per cent , and and I mean , it er , it it it does er er create problems , there 's no doubt about it , and that I I got the letter from er which er , Rod instructed to come along to the department to me yesterday , in fact , I did refer very briefly to it , 'cos I 'm gon na just before the meeting that er er it it sets out saying that it was a very generous set settlement for ninety-three , ninety-four .
13 She secured her garage door and , having decided to walk round to the front of the building to find out what Naylor was so furious about , she turned around — and found she had no need to go anywhere .
14 Where a decision is made to remit back to the licensing board , the interlocutor should include any specification or modification required under subs .
15 In so far as the polytechnics today do in fact offer a wide range of advanced courses on different bases of study , they can also be said to live up to the description of being ‘ comprehensive ’ in that respect .
16 Now that the party can no longer call on state finances , it will have to streamline its bureaucracy , and has already decided to hand back to the nation all superfluous assets , including the party 's holiday homes , hotels … and its headquarters .
17 If we fell off the rope we would have had to go back to the start .
18 We were woken up at 5.30 am , and Alex and I were told to go over to the kitchens to fetch the breakfast .
19 After a fortnight we were told to go down to the airfield for a possible lift into Assam , but often refugees went in the morning but were back in the evening as the planes were so busy taking out wounded soldiers .
20 Eels are not thought to go down to the abyssal depths of the Atlantic where they could get such indications from the sea floor .
21 ‘ I 've got to go down to the off-licence later . ’
22 If you want to know why things have turned out as they are , you 've got to go back to the beginning . ’
23 So after you 've finished training , you 're going down to the library , yes , to look up the names of the people luve in Street , and once you 've been on that appointment you 've got to go back to the branch and you 're gon na do your mail shots whatever you 're gon na do , put it in there .
24 ‘ You 've got to come back to the hospital .
25 Hitherto the older waist-band had tended to slip on to the horse 's neck and either throttle him or prevent him from pulling hard ; hence the slower and less efficient ox had been generally used .
26 It 's not the appointments that matter , it 's the activity around the appointment , the fact that I 'm gon na get up on Monday morning , I 'm gon na go training , and once I 've done that , I 've got to nip down to the library , O K , and look up that electoral role , I 've got an appointment , and then I 'm gon na go back to the office , I 'm gon na to do my mail shots and then I 'm gon na to go home , mow the lawn , have a bit of tea , and then I 'm gon na to my approaching , and then I 'm gon na go , yes , on that appointment there .
27 So we 're looking at it first , I I think in the end , there are schemes that we 've got to put on to the back burner , or the , until such times Lincoln develops further , and there is further development .
28 Furthermore , they were told to point out to the mother that LGS would not reduce the output of stool from the sick child , but was meant to prevent the dehydration associated with the diarrhoea .
29 We have got to face up to the Warner Report as well , which is to do with staffing in community homes , and again , that 's an issue which we can pick up later , as we go into detailed reports .
30 A : Well , I suppose I would — that would be the ideal situation , but I think you 've got to face up to the reality of the whole thing .
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