Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] [adv] with [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , on Dec. 11 the Israeli Foreign Minister , Moshe Arens , dampened the mood of optimism by calling for further assurances that Israel would not be expected to talk directly with the PLO .
2 FRESH ATTEMPTS to break the ambulance pay dispute deadlock are expected to coincide tomorrow with a health service union lobby of the Conservative Party conference as it opens in Blackpool , writes Helen Hague .
3 It will take about four years to complete , and is expected to coincide closely with the widening of the M4 and M25 motorways .
4 that past consideration is no consideration ) is frequently evaded by means of the fiction that the promise made subsequent to the consideration merely fixes the amount due under an earlier promise deemed to exist contemporaneously with the consideration .
5 The alternative to some form of conversion system is to purchase a printer which has been modified to operate directly with the Spectrum , just as Sinclair 's own ZX Printer does .
6 Erm the committee took into account my er my comment but still decided to go ahead with the scheme .
7 say to them erm we 've not , we 've decided at the moment , or we 've not as yet decided to go ahead with the appointment , but when we do
8 However , health campaigners , who reacted angrily to warnings that the axe could fall , have decided to press ahead with the meeting , saying they can not trust the healthcare trust .
9 When this expectation was disappointed it was decided to press forward with the Barclays ( Asia ) prosecution .
10 Undoubtedly , this reorganization of the Northumbrian Church pleased Theodore , who secured the establishment o additional bishoprics north of the Humber , and Ecgfrith , who was not only rid of a bishop whom he did not want but able also to secure the appointment of men whom he personally favoured , men generally prepared to deal sensitively with the legacy of the Scottish mission in a post-Whitby era .
11 It was made to coincide either with the rising of the river in early summer or with the recession of the waters in autumn when the fertilized fields were ready to be sown .
12 The atoms can then be made to interact directly with the laser beam , as in the so-called collinear methods , or they can be converted to an atomic beam by heating in a small hot tantalum tube .
13 Such ‘ photons ’ could be made to interact directly with the nucleus , where transition energies are comparable with gamma-ray energies .
14 If you physically vacate your home and let it for profit — perhaps because you have decided to live permanently with a friend — under tax law , the property would be treated as an investment and subject to certain exemptions would be assessed for CGT when it was sold .
15 Domestic legislation in the Cook Islands is now being amended to comply exactly with the Hong Kong market 's requirements .
16 It 's the first chance everyone has had to work together with the technology , and it shows .
17 In another study by Ryberg et al the enterochromaffin like cell labelling index was shown to increase linearly with the plasma gastrin concentration .
18 In the analysis of regions , researchers have tended to deal separately with a region 's economy and with its population .
19 In Russia , people have had to build mikvas secretly , some of them have built a hidden one t-n their home , and have had to live constantly with the fear of being discovered by the KGB who would imprison them because of it .
20 The Company has agreed to co-operate wholeheartedly with the study by providing access to all levels of decision-making and policy implementation .
21 It has been shown to correlate well with the assessment of splenic function by other methods in patients with treated adult coeliac disease and in such cases there is a correlation between splenic function and splenic volume computed from scintiscans after injection of radiolabelled heat damaged red cells or 9 9 m Tc labelled sulphur colloid .
22 Not only is it hepatotoxic but trace concentrations have been shown to interfere seriously with the breeding performance of male mice .
23 A child who is enabled to cope well with a parent 's illness , say , may well become more competent and resilient to adversity in the future .
24 After that particular evening he had often volunteered to try again with the bathing , if halfheartedly , but seemed happy to be refused , though he was more confident about cooking the evening meal .
25 For a high crosslink density the transition is broad and ill-defined , but at lower values , T g is found to increase linearly with the number of crosslinks .
26 Hearst published a number of newspapers and had refused to bargain collectively with a union representing newsboys who distributed the papers on the streets .
27 In contrast , NCp7A was less active in binding to and protecting DNAs while NCp7D was found to interact poorly with the DNAs .
28 A battery of three ovens ( plus the ex-Scanro one waiting in the corner for assembly ) and an impressive array of moulds make AC Canoe Products very strongly placed to forge ahead with the production of rotationally moulded kayaks .
29 By Jan. 21 the US Deputy Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger , while clearly recognizing " Israel 's right as a sovereign state to retaliate , to defend itself " , was able to confirm that Israel had pledged to work closely with the USA and " will consult us first " before taking any such action .
30 The mounting bracket is lipped to locate flush with the front of the case .
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