Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] [adv] [adv] as [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This new wave of anonymous buildings , designed to slip as quickly as possible through local authority planning procedures , has ripped the heart out of Hammersmith .
2 All mature students intending to apply are recommended to write as early as possible to the appropriate faculty for guidance , giving full details of their educational background and their experience in employment .
3 Whilst we agree with the sentiments in MPG6 , paragraph 85 , that the planning system should be expected to work as efficiently as possible in expediting minerals applications , we believe the quality of decision-making is more important than its speed , given the significant issues involved .
4 Whilst we agree with the sentiments in MPG6 , paragraph 85 , that the planning system should be expected to work as efficiently as possible in expediting minerals applications , we believe the quality of decision-making is more important than its speed , given the significant issues involved .
5 Fourth , spending on front-office systems , such as those supporting foreign exchange , funds and transfer payments , is not expected to grow as fast as that on back-office systems , covering such applications as transaction processing , clearing and settlement .
6 Secondly , in the Fearon case it was not the right to exercise an economic activity which was conditional on the shareholders ' satisfying the residence requirement , but merely immunity from compulsory acquisition measures adopted under legislation governing the ownership of rural land designed to ensure as far as possible that the land belonged to those who worked it .
7 Over and above that are the various assurance schemes designed to offer as near as possible a guarantee of quality , safety , wholesomeness and implied animal welfare in the whole process in much the same way as the lion 's stamp once guaranteed eggs in the pre-Edwina Currie days .
8 As it was , an irrelevant image kept popping up in the comer of his eye , dragging his attention away : the image of an old man Iying slumped in the mud against a wall of concrete blocks , turned away , as though death were an act as shameful as intercourse or defecation , which he had sought to conceal as far as possible , even in the bleakly exposed place where it had come to him .
9 Earlier or later maturity are quite normal and natural , although extremes ( ovulation and menstruation have been known to occur as early as six years of age ) are due to malfunction .
10 Subjects were told that the quality or safety of their driving was not being assessed and they were encouraged to drive as normally as possible .
11 In his usual thrusting manner , he fought inside McLaren to get the engine put to use as soon as possible , knowing full well that engine development on a bench or in testing is very different to developing an engine that will be competitive under the stress of FI racing .
12 These " cosmic ripples " were estimated to stretch as far as 59 billion trillion miles in space and were calculated to have been formed only 300,000 years after the " Big Bang " ( the original event which scientists believe had created space and time ) .
13 The colonies were encouraged to co-operate as actively as possible with British forces by promises of payments to cover the military costs , apart from clothing and pay , of any forces they could raise to support troops sent from Britain .
14 ‘ Since VJ day , the majority people of the area , the Vietnamese , have stubbornly resisted the re-establishment of French authority , a struggle in which we have tried to maintain so far as possible the position of non-support of either party ’ .
15 The Neue Mozart Ausgabe ( hereafter NMA ) ( Kassel , 1955- ) came out on the side of ‘ dualism ’ and has systematically tried to reproduce as faithfully as possible the two distinct signs while various of its editors explained the rationale for this editorial policy .
16 I was determined to live as far as possible in the now .
17 Contracts would normally run for three years and applicants would be required to start as soon as possible .
18 if either has risen , whether it has failed to rise as fast as Gross Domestic Product .
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