Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] [noun pl] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He warns us against being seduced by ‘ a new and … illiberal ‘ liberal ’ orthodoxy' designed to accommodate demands for a law protecting Islamic sensitivities .
2 The radicals were widely expected to lose seats after a committee judging the suitability of candidates prevented about 1,000 of the 3,000 hopefuls from taking part , including several well-known radicals .
3 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp shares jumped almost 8.5% on Friday on hopes that the government will spend heavily on a major new communications network : Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa said on Thursday that an economic stimulus package , widely expected to include funds for a network of high-speed fibre optic cables , would be even larger than 1992 's supplementary budget ; if the government steps in with new funding , the state-controlled phone company would likely end up laying the cable and providing services ; the project is the one first mooted back in the early 1980s to connect every home and business in Japan .
4 These examples are designed to provide members with a guide to what may and may not constitute structured and unstructured CPE .
5 The tools are designed to provide developers with a superset of features from the varied operating systems , so that they gain the value of unique operating system characteristics , yet still deliver portable applications — for example , a common programming interface set enables a programmer to write a single application that supports the Macintosh , OSF/Motif , Presentation Manager , Windows , or future graphical user interfaces .
6 The tools are designed to provide developers with a superset of features from the varied operating systems , so that they gain the value of unique operating system characteristics , yet still deliver portable applications — for example , a common programming interface set enables a programmer to write a single application that supports the Macintosh , OSF/Motif , Presentation Manager , Windows , or future graphical user interfaces .
7 Drifting offshore with the wind and tide is a splendid way to get a close look at sea-birds , because they have come to accept fishing-boats as a source of food rather than a potential danger .
8 Perhaps it was also expected to put non-Italians at a disadvantage .
9 The statistical theories involved were designed to allow generalisations about a population on the basis of a sample of that population , within known margins of error .
10 Candidates with the necessary qualifications and experience and who are attracted to career opportunities with a company offering competitive conditions , employment with a friendly working atmosphere and in an attractive location , are invited to apply by forwarding a CV or completed application form ( phone 021– ) before February 28 , 1991 :
11 The effects of the Chernobyl radiation leak were measured all over Europe , 32 people died as a result of fighting the fire that occurred , and thousands more are expected to develop cancers as a result of radioactive contamination .
12 The snipers , who fired directly on us despite the presence of an army officer , appeared determined to drive out a team which had come to investigate rumours of a massacre of Muslim women and children by Serbs .
13 All fields must identify field representatives , elected by students from among themselves , who are expected to bring problems within a field to the attention of the Course administration .
14 The state had the third largest Congressional representation , and was expected to gain seats as a result of the reapportioning process due to follow the 1990 census .
15 This interdisciplinary course for linguists is designed to prepare students for a career in the business world of post-1992 Europe .
16 MOVES are being made to plant trees on a grass verge in an effort to stop gipsies setting up camp .
17 Climatology is probably the most data-rich branch , in which maps showing mean values of climatic elements such as precipitation or temperature had been long-established and numerous attempts had been made to classify climates upon a world basis .
18 The Department has always sought to provide students with a knowledge of those areas most relevant to the present and future needs of the modern accountant .
19 I decided I 'd have to tell you how I felt after the wedding when I thought you might be feeling more moved to accept advances from a Bluebeard .
20 THE Government was warned last night to expect a rebuff as the Association of Professional Ambulance Personnel prepared to ballot members on a deal rejected by the five TUC-affiliated unions for ambulance staff .
21 Merlini , three attempts were made to serve documents on a defendant in Italy , trying three different addresses and two different names ; on each occasion the defendant could not be located or had already moved on .
22 Stirling thus decided to abandon operations for a while and send a strong party back to base to collect stores and the new vehicles he had requested .
23 In IRC v Jenkins ( 1944 ) 26 TC 264 , the settlor lent monies to the trustees which were used to acquire shares in a company he controlled .
24 The remaining space afforded by the removal of the existing kitchen was used to provide areas for a Computer Room , two Business Studies Areas , Typing and Office Procedures .
25 On Sept. 17 reports stated that tear gas was used to halt protests at a Mandalay high school .
26 The buttons can be used to select items from a menu ; programs such as Microsoft 's MultiTool Word use this facility along with letting the mouse handle the normal cursor motion .
27 This is why individuals in groups can show marked degradation in their intellectual and critical powers and why they can be induced to do things in a group setting which their own conscience would normally forbid .
28 This process , a little like blood-grouping , is used to match tissues from a donor with the tissues of a prospective patient who is waiting for a kidney transplant .
29 Free indexing languages do not consist of a list of terms distinct from those used to describe concepts in a subject area .
30 In April last year a worker was told to take bottles to a handling bay for disposal .
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