Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] [art] same [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Somehow local authorities are expected to perform the same range of duties more cheaply .
2 and nineteen fifty so you would 've expected to see the same sort of increase .
3 It occurred to National Certificate staff that instead of programming say twenty subject assessors to different centres all over the country on a particular day , all twenty could be programmed to visit the same centre on the same day .
4 For instance , sibling nodes ( nodes which have some hierarchical relation to the same node ) might be expected to have the same pattern of ‘ target node names ’ .
5 The company also said that it will continue with its application to the Department of Trade and Industry to operate a ‘ personal communications network ’ , which is expected to present the same opportunities in the next decade as cellular mobile radio is doing in this .
6 Members of the RIBA may be expected to follow the same pattern after 1992 .
7 For example , it might seem curious that a member of the RICS could be a director of a commercial company offering a range of services to the public , yet not be permitted to occupy the same position in a company offering the very skill for which he has been trained .
8 We seemed destined to replay the same parts in an old story .
9 During the first half of the century efforts were made to extend the same technique to the various kinds of animals as well as plants , so that naturalists had access to a vast body of information about the geographical distribution of living things .
10 It was decided to withdraw the same charges against former Prime Minister Zaid al-Rifai and former Finance Minister Hanna Awdah .
11 I was a better investment than my sister , because I passed the eleven-plus , went to grammar school , would get a good job ( university was later seen to offer the same arena of advantages ) , marry a man who would , as she said , buy " me a house , and you a house .
12 soc : And I suppose you 'd like more of the same so you can go on pinpointing variation and replicate the studies which have been done to show the same thing in different places , or maybe to include a few more explanatory variables in your statistical model ?
13 got to give the same number to Jonathan as you give to yourself .
14 It may be that the target reader of the German translation is not envisaged to have the same familiarity with or interest in the ceramics industry as the prospective readers of the English version .
15 These two men , and many between , have had to make the same type of decisions about the positions of their steel works .
16 Without it , even higher investment would have been needed to achieve the same growth of demand .
17 Looking at the world 's 20 million bedrooms , he also estimates that replacing incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescents would not only save two thirds of the energy needed to produce the same amount of light but would , over the 5–10 year lifespan of the compact , keep out of the atmosphere 100 million tons of CO2 .
18 I would be far happier seeing 15,000 kilograms of grapes in a fine , ripe and healthy year yielding 86.66 hectolitres of juice , than 13,000 kilograms stretched to supply the same volume of juice , leaving 2,000 kilograms of grapes of the same quality to rot on the vine .
19 This will be the case if , for example , you are asked to perform the same job at the same rate of pay but at a different office or factory and the move is catered for by a mobility clause in your contract .
20 Although the inverted-U and the more specific Yerkes-Dodson law were initially related to task performance generally , they have frequently been assumed to predict the same pattern of results with performance in memory tasks .
21 If this were true , then men and women who are married to each other could be assumed to have the same standard of living .
22 Since labour is supplied inelastically , a wage tax and a lump-sum tax on earners are equivalent ; since all assets are assumed to earn the same rate of return , a tax on capital and a tax on the income from capital are equivalent .
23 Of course there is , there is the possibility , there is definitely going to be a reorganization , we sha n't have the same sort of input I do n't think , we sha n't be allowed to have the same sort of input in a totally undemocratic er , er , authority that 's going to be there where the , the governments will er , put er , most of the people on board , where the Home Secretary will decide on the Chairman , er , we do n't know what the government regulations are going to say about balances in terms for the new authority .
24 Such situations as were faced by these librarians in the early part of 1986 were not new and no doubt will recur , and librarians may well feel forced to take the same course of action in future .
25 If a hierarchical structure is imposed on these relationships then the approach can be constructed to give the same type of interrelationships normally found in an engineering bill of materials .
26 He had also engaged to do the same thing for Chief Superintendent John Coffin and one or two other enemies if he could get round to them , but he had let Place know that he had a prior claim .
27 It is well established that objects are perceived to have the same colour despite quite extensive variations in the colour of the light with which they are illuminated and hence the wavelength of the light they reflect back to the retina .
28 But Father John McCullagh has managed to convey the same sentiment in a very different way .
29 Capital investment of US$930,000 million in fossil fuel-based systems would be required to produce the same amount of energy .
30 All other deeds relating to registered land are required to follow the same form of execution as Form 19 .
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