Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] [prep] [det] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 People who are mentally handicapped can not be expected to cope with many aspects of this AL independently .
2 Edward Thomas 's fifteen months at St. Paul 's helped to shape the early pattern of his life as a writer : I was considered to excel in this form of rhetoric .
3 Ingres , which contributed 62% to ASK 's third quarter revenues , is expected to account for some $243m of ASK 's turnover of $430m anticipated for its year to June 30 .
4 To the outsider it appears that when change of any kind is required , the NHS is so structured as to resemble a " mobile " : designed to move with any breath of air , but which in fact never changes its position and gives no clear indication of direction .
5 As each series can be transposed to begin on any note of the chromatic scale , there are twelve different ‘ O ’ versions and , in addition , twelve each of the ‘ I ’ , ‘ R ’ , and ‘ RI ’ versions — a total of forty-eight .
6 Opponents frequently struggled to cope with that type of galvanising influence as Howard Wilkinson 's team may discover for themselves on their return to Villa Park tonight .
7 If he thinks recovery for emotional injury is unjust , he will have made the future less unjust in the only way that counts for him : fewer people will suffer the injustice of being made to compensate for this sort of injury , which is better than more people suffering that injustice .
8 UK Birmingham-based IMI 's Uniplex Ltd office automation software outfit will next week announce the appointment of Margaret Gymer to the post of director of international services : she 'll head a new service and support unit the company is starting to look after that side of the business , which is now said to account for some 20% of the company 's revenue .
9 Even the otherwise haughty Surrey committee was moved to complain about this lack of common courtesy , though naturally they did not go so far as to suggest meals should be taken in common .
10 He 'd had to go through that wrench of premature separation alone ; now I had to .
11 An elderly sergeant once remarked on his experience of attending a cot death for the first time , ‘ You just have to say to yourself , the next time I will be better equipped to cope with this type of situation …
12 To calculate the size of gutter needed to cope with this amount of rain , allowance has to be made for the fact that the wind will tend to drive more rain on to the roof than would simply fall on the ca flat plan area .
13 And in a sense Mao is saying that it 's , it 's not right to go straight for land reform , you , you 've got to go for this policy of rent reduction , interest rate reduction first .
14 According to a Pakistani commentary , Shahi appeared to be suggesting that once the neutrality of the area was ensured by the regional states pursuing a policy of strict non-alignment , the superpowers could perhaps be persuaded to work towards some sort of mutual accommodation .
15 In a moment of high fervour I had offered to talk to that Mafia of old , the Winchester Quakers , on my experiences at the Bristol Cancer Help Centre .
16 The Sinhalese wedding case also has general value because it provides an exceptionally clear example of the three-phase structure of rites of passage first recognized by Hertz and Van Gennep around 1908 but which has subsequently been shown to apply to all kinds of social rituals .
17 I call all that sort of traffic , local traffic , and I think that the outer northern route is less well equipped to deal with those kinds of traffic .
18 She just was n't equipped to deal with this kind of cold war .
19 ‘ As suitable land becomes , scarcer , ’ he says , ‘ investors are persuaded to build in all sorts of places , even on steep hills .
20 ( Throughout this paper , the word ‘ co-ordination ’ is used to refer to this aspect of the control structure of a system and not to the linguistic phenomenon of co-ordination by means of conjunctions . )
21 The expression " takeover " is commonly used to refer to any acquisition of a company or business .
22 The term has even been used to refer to any form of assessment that is not norm-referenced .
23 Eventually , when he was persuaded to pose with some part of the violinist 's equipment , it was with just a bow .
24 At present , people living in mental hospitals are therefore disadvantaged compared with those living at home , who can be registered to vote without any test of competence .
25 In the same way that one would expect the British Medical Association to be called upon to comment on any issue of human rights , we should come to expect the Library Association , along with other organizations such as Article 19 to be called to comment on any issue of censorship , and not just in the literary context .
26 The American military government resented the presence of UNTCOK since it was bound to inquire into many features of the political scene , some of which were better not pursued from the American viewpoint .
27 Critical study is not particularly well geared to deal with this type of problem .
28 One concern is why Cyril Ramaphosa , Frank Chikane , Beyers Naude and Albertina Sisulu were never called to testify at any stage of the trials connected with the murders of Stompie Moeketsi or Dr Asvat .
29 He explained that the description " dumb " had been omitted from the title to enable him to embrace within the scope of his review all deaf persons of distinction , whether they had continued dumb or had been enabled to articulate with any degree of facility .
30 Regrettably but perhaps inevitably , the ambivalence of feeling and thought which is bound to exist at any time of change has been seized upon by those who can profit from it .
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