Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] [pron] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Nord-Pas-de-Calais strategy is clearly designed to pull it in the former camp and has a number of existing advantages to draw upon including a good geographical position and relatively low land prices , wages and corporate taxation rates .
2 This booklet is designed to point you in the right direction if you have a problem or complaint and explain when you might be entitled to compensation .
3 The Code of Practice is designed to point you in the right direction if you have a problem or complaint and explains when you might be entitled to compensation .
4 Only those who have shown the resolve to defend the freedom of the West can be trusted to safeguard it in the challenging , turbulent and unpredictable times that lie ahead . ’
5 Smallfry always threatened to lock him in the toolshed with Rosie if ever he dared tell her secrets to anyone else .
6 Being an unabashed admirer of the Guardian 's Notes & Queries column , I have decided to flatter it in the sincerest way possible .
7 For pupils of high ability , too much of the curriculum was often taken up with preparation for exams , and too little done to stretch them in the earlier years .
8 Over the years she had grown to love him in a familiar , comfortable sort of way , though of late a change in temperament had made him difficult .
9 It changed policy again after leading members of the Save the Narmada Movement had threatened to drown themselves in the rising waters of the Narmada river .
10 Marina had that fabulous Gauloise and gin thee-ay-tah voice : which is why Jay had got to know her in the first place .
11 ‘ If somebody 's already used a break it just means you 've got to use it in a better way .
12 The words and melodies of the hymns used during the day all helped to put me in a receptive mood .
13 ‘ You 've got to do something in the close season when there 's no jumping , ’ Elsworth joked , making light of a triumph that clearly thrilled him enormously .
14 This feedback will be used to guide us in the possible uses of the tape when we come to launching the 4th edition in early 1990 , which will be the published version of the tape .
15 She had thought to do it in a civilised fashion , not confront him with her knowledge of what he had written about her , but he was persistent ; he could see his prize and her dollars slipping away .
16 If he had told me that the first half was going to be crap , I would n't have bothered to watch it in the first place .
17 Precisely because the Church mistakes herself for the present form of the Kingdom , God 's rule has often had to manifest itself in the secular world outside , and frequently against , the Church ’ ( Pannenberg 1975:78 ) .
18 Oh I 've got to take you in the Chinese shop .
19 Oh , I 've got to take you in the Chinese shop
20 Yeah I 'm not I 'm not disputing that , all I 'm saying is the question is , whether we 're using the monies we 're being given to fund it in the right way .
21 They were ranked to meet him in the misty rain , every soul from castle and clachan , fidgeting and nervous , and in front of them all Marion Aluinn , eager to break the tense silence , lovely in her excitement .
22 These are the remains of unfortunate wretches driven to kill themselves in a futile attempt to escape the torments of the Castle .
23 The pilot was hired to fly them in a chartered plane . ’
24 Part of the parents ' case had rested on the following argument : within the school which the child attended a decision had been taken to include her in a remedial class ; thus , the special educational provision that should be made for her had already been determined ; so a statement ( under section 7(1) of the Act ) should follow .
25 There was , they believed , no reason ‘ why competent knowledge and critical skill , if encouraged to exercise themselves in the disinterested pursuit of truth , should be less fruitful in religious than in social and physical ideas ’ .
26 If we were to use the word ‘ God ’ to mean something subject to change we would have ceased to use it in the Jewish-Christian-Islamic sense to refer to the mystery of Creation .
27 I 'm sorry , you know , the woman , I , er , I 've tried to tell her in no uncertain terms there
28 and if you wan na do something slightly different then do it in a role play scenario with a manager or a senior adviser and er get their feedback accordingly but I 'd be te I would n't be tempted to do it in the real world .
29 The Profumo affair was merely the focus and catalyst for the coming to a head of that revolution in the mood and character of English life which had begun to show itself in the late summer of 1955 .
30 Liz , at the magic moment , found herself unexpectedly clutching the hot hand of Ivan Warner , which seemed wrong but ordained : she looked for Charles , and saw that the poor man had managed to find himself in the icy palm of Lady Henrietta .
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