Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] [pron] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The federal pump-priming for their establishment , eventually extended to cover their first eight years , was not intended to support them for the long term .
2 Adventure Training put him in contact with me and after five days Bombardier Michael Goldsmith and a subaltern had come to see me from the Outer Hebrides with a view to offering an army vehicle .
3 The sovereignty of Parliament has been the linchpin of our unwritten and flexible constitution ; it can be traced back in our political practice and constitutional theory for almost three centuries ; and yet the constitutional authorities have come to see it as the fundamental constitutional problem needing challenge and change .
4 We might have expected to see something of the great movies , Gold Rush , Modern Times , Limelight …
5 He will , however , be expected to do something about the severe imbalances that are masked by the wonderful overall figures for economic growth .
6 This booklet is designed to point you in the right direction if you have a problem or complaint and explain when you might be entitled to compensation .
7 The Code of Practice is designed to point you in the right direction if you have a problem or complaint and explains when you might be entitled to compensation .
8 He had resolved to keep it for the whole year , egged on by his father , who had promised him a new bicycle if he succeeded .
9 In a properly organized political community the state exists for society and not society for the state ; yet , however socially advanced a people may be , the society which it constitutes made up of families , clubs , churches , trade unions , etc. — is not to be trusted to maintain itself without the ultimate arbitrament of force .
10 I happened to have with me the journal of Dorothy Wordsworth on my trip to the Dales as I had forgotten to return it to the public library , and you have my word that I dropped it the instant I was made aware that they were harbouring a drug addict .
11 Only those who have shown the resolve to defend the freedom of the West can be trusted to safeguard it in the challenging , turbulent and unpredictable times that lie ahead . ’
12 I could make it a fairy-tale instead , if I wanted to , Anyway , It 's the capital of the empire ; a courtier starts a liaison with one of the princesses ; the demands she and the impersonate on his time get to be too much , so he secretly has an android made to impersonate him at the endless court rituals and boring receptions ; nobody notices .
13 no certificate of any kind has been received , even though every reasonable effort has been made to obtain it through the competent authorities of the State addressed .
14 Even though its evolutionary course was eventually destined to lead it into the complicated and probably costly distortions involved in having two eyes on one side , even though the skate way of being a flat fish might ultimately have been the best design for bony fish too , the would-be intermediates that set out along this evolutionary pathway apparently did less well in the short term than their rivals lying on their side .
15 Smallfry always threatened to lock him in the toolshed with Rosie if ever he dared tell her secrets to anyone else .
16 The rich North Italian industrial city of Turin has decided to put itself on the international map with a biennial art and antiques fair to be held at the Lingotto , the spectacular former Fiat car factory , from 27 February to 7 March .
17 ‘ I 've decided to give it to the Royal Horticultural Society as an eastern centre .
18 It was decided to adopt it as the standard background , keeping open the possibility of using pieces of velvet in special cases .
19 The hyperpluralist perspective may have sought to distance itself from the pluralist perspective on British politics , but there is much in common between the two orientations .
20 was delighted to tell you that we have already received our first nomination for this position in 1992. has been nominated and seconded and , as she is not a current elected member of the Executive Committee , it has been decided to invite her to the remaining Executive meetings as an observer so that she gets used to how the Society functions .
21 The Americans watched the bamboo rod rise and fall and heard the sickening thud of wood on flesh and bone ; as the fallen Annamese struggled to raise himself from the dusty road they saw blood welling from the crimson weals on his back .
22 On this great day , when he cut the ribbon on a shop built to remind him of the Italian department stores of his childhood — ‘ they always had a restaurant , because part of the treat of shopping was lunching out ’ — he was so happy and relaxed that it was easy to swallow inhibitions and ask him whether he was n't bothered about being known , through the films he has chosen to dress , as the creator of designer violence .
23 The Sheffield Star , in a piece not destined to endear him to the average Brightside voter , wrote of his ‘ ministerial pin stripes and patrician smooth accent . ’
24 It changed policy again after leading members of the Save the Narmada Movement had threatened to drown themselves in the rising waters of the Narmada river .
25 Mourou , 42 , and his co-signatories apparently intended to disassociate themselves from the pro-Iraqi position of exiled Nahda president Rashid Ghannouchi .
26 situation I 'd suspect will be addressed within that other part , I did mention in my presentation that there are a number of inter-related problems here , I can trace about four or five , all of which have a chain reaction one upon the other , unfortunately Brandon is up front so we 've got to tackle it from the other direction .
27 In the high grade group , a Cox 's multivariate analysis was performed to identify which of the following variables such as age , extension to adjacent organs or serosal invasion , stage and mode of treatment ( surgery , chemotherapy , or the combination of both ) might be of independent significance in predicting mortality .
28 If we confine attention to the 8 samples on which at least 15 individual determinations were made , the R range narrows to 0.35–0.95% , confirming that some of these rocks were formerly sufficiently deeply buried to put them into the oil-generating window .
29 Er , so i it 's er changes of that kind that have been looked at because if you move production work out of one nation into the other to get a nice rationalised allocation of work , you build this wing , you build that wing and so on , you then have got to do something with the minor components to get back to you original erm work share allocation and percentage times .
30 ‘ You 've got to do something in the close season when there 's no jumping , ’ Elsworth joked , making light of a triumph that clearly thrilled him enormously .
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