Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] [verb] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It had been intended to provide turning facilities at the Robin Hood , but no suitable place could be found .
2 While the seven sectors examined were expected to continue to create jobs until the end of the decade , that rate of increase is predicted to be lower than in the recent past , as new technology and industrial concentration increase productivity .
3 ‘ that , although , by the indulgence of the court , a statutory tenant might be permitted to continue to occupy premises after the making of an order for possession , he was not , during such a period of occupation , a statutory tenant with all the rights to protection conferred by the Rent Restriction Acts which he had enjoyed before the order for possession was made ; and , consequently , the daughter could not claim protection as a ‘ tenant ’ under section 12 , subsection ( 1 ) … ’
4 Migrating bowhead whales are reported to give drilling ships in the Beaufort Sea a wide berth on their migrations .
5 Given that the group is expected to have made profits for the current year , the net assets will be higher than at the last account date and as the company is being purchased on a multiple of earnings we should consider stripping out the excess assets .
6 In the past Gates had claimed to have heard rumours of the operation only on Oct. 1 , 1986 , less than seven weeks before it became public .
7 On Aug. 20 , Australia was reported to have stopped supplies for the same reason .
8 NRA forces were reported to have committed atrocities against the civilian population in Soroti district in the east , where the government had been fighting the Uganda People 's Army ( UPA ) , led by Peter Otai ; in September it was reported that 30 NRA personnel had been arrested for the killing of 60 civilians in the area .
9 Others are said to have abused passengers on the train from Peterborough to Harwich .
10 Bashir and an assistant named Mirahmad were said to have recruited Afghans from the border provinces of Badakshan and Kunduz who ‘ underwent a special training course in the armed opposition camps ’ .
11 Bashir and an assistant named Mirahmad were said to have recruited Afghans from the border provinces of Badakshan and Kunduz who ‘ underwent a special training course in the armed opposition camps ’ .
12 MTM 's bankers have agreed to continue to provide funds for the deeply troubled chemicals group until the end of the month .
13 Both Prikazsky and Bursky were alleged to have had links with the Statni Bezpecnost ( StB — State Security , or secret police ) under the communist regime before November 1989 , and it was suggested that a third ( unnamed ) minister had also had such links .
14 It was also alleged to have had links with the Kurdish Workers ' Party ( KWP ) and the Kurdish Islamic Revolutionaries organization .
15 She is also alleged to have stolen goods to the value of £330 .
16 A tree that 's thought to have provided arrows for the Battle Of Agincourt has been saved from collapse .
17 Concurrent verbalisation was found to reduce balancing times for the right hand but not the left hand .
18 Until this meeting the provincial administration had refused to consider holding negotiations on the rent strike with anyone other than the township 's black councillors , who had been elected in an 11.5 per cent turnout in October 1988 [ see p. 36333 ] .
19 After the 1688 Revolution , when she moved to Wisbech , she is reputed to have evaded questions from the government about the birth of the prince of Wales , whom she had nursed , but this was the last thing William III would have wanted to enquire into .
20 On the Mozarts ' visit to London in 1764–5 Bach is reputed to have performed duets with the eight-year-old composer .
21 Morbidity associated with sickling crises can be greatly reduced by encouraging patients to avoid circumstances known to have triggered crises in the past and to seek treatment quickly when one occurs .
22 The movement originated in Germany , where Red Cross ambulance dogs were trained to help blind veterans after the First World War ; today we have 450 centres across Britain .
23 Preparing good nourishing family meals was made even more difficult when in nineteen forty housewives were asked to contribute cooking utensils for the 'saucepans into Spitfire s' campaign .
24 A crooked locksmith is believed to have made copies of the keys which were then smuggled back into the ‘ escape-proof ’ jail .
25 Just under £60m in cash is believed to have changed hands in the deal where the pub owning company Enterprise Inns , headed by Taunton Cider chairman Michael Cottrell , acquired the Bass outlets .
26 One may be obligated to help fight opponents of the institution or help overcome obstacles to its successful operation in ways which one is not required by its laws to do .
27 In 1987 , 2.2 million people over pension age are estimated to have had incomes below the level of Income Support .
28 The wine celebrates life , the charoseth is for the bricks they were forced to bake to build cities for the loathed taskmasters . ’
29 If there are other servants , he will expose their laziness — in fact , it was once said that brownies were originally created to help relieve men of the burden caused by Adam .
30 You may be tempted to stop asking questions in the face of such authority .
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