Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They have come in for quite a bit of stick , particularly when they 've been dealing with rape cases .
2 Could it be that there was then more racism in the art world , and that Black artists were being squeezed out at just the time when young working-class artists from the British provinces were finding unprecedented and immediate public fortune ?
3 It had been intended , purely and simply , as an insult , but it had come out with just a hint of that genuine curiosity that so unexpectedly had afflicted her just a moment before .
4 Not expected back for quite a while yet , I suppose ?
5 Stein said yesterday : ‘ Mr Beller told me if things were not sorted out by tomorrow the company would cease trading and I do really fear this is the end .
6 By using the stomach tube , and portions of liquefied food identified only by a code number , the test could be carried out without either the patient or the nurse giving the test food knowing its identity .
7 What 's more , the enormous engineering project is being carried out with virtually no disruption to the hectic traffic flow through the city .
8 Distillation may be carried out in either a batch process , using a pot still , or a continuous process , using a patent or Coffey still .
9 If the proposals leaked they would be dynamite inside the health service , and yet they had come round with only the routine ‘ confidential ’ security classification .
10 Along the riverside , hay would have been cropped several times through the summer , and then , at the end of the summer , the animals who had been on the fallow would be turned on to both the meadowland and the stubble of the arable before coming into the paddocks by the village over the winter , to be stall-fed on the hay cut from the meadow .
11 Privatisation is to be pushed through without even the safeguard of a consultative body .
12 We now suspect he had been written off by both the consul and the Spanish authorities at an early stage .
13 The first thing to note is that a chase should be built up in exactly the way you built up the whole of your book .
14 So the cost of a bottle of whisky that you buy on the plane home from holiday , is made up of both the manufacturer 's price and the airline 's profit .
15 The American critic W. Stephen Bush reflected on how the poor and lowly had only been tolerated in the theatre and all too often forced up into the gallery , but the movies had ‘ emancipated the gallery ’ and had ‘ wiped out for ever the odium and ridicule ’ that had always been shown towards its clientele .
16 Eh she was away I think when , or she 'd gone out when called in upon here a fortnight ago .
17 But it was suddenly called off with just a week to go .
18 The man and his wife were weighed down by almost every burden known to the philoprogenitive , ill-paid artisan ; their home overcrowded , even their animals wretchedly tormented .
19 The act of giving the child a name , which accompanies the baptism , is not explicitly brought out in either the term ‘ baptism ’ or the more commonly used ‘ christening ’ , since the latter , obviously , means making a Christian of the infant .
20 They had driven around for over an hour trying to find the rave that every one was going on about .
21 The woman was then driven around for over an hour and believes part of the journey may have been on a motorway .
22 The receiver has gone in at only the parent company , and Sharp yesterday made it clear that seven of its 15 operating subsidiaries were going concerns .
23 Because this one is designed to be tightened up from outside the guitar , it can be used on guitars without conventional round soundholes by pulling the jack through the endblock with a piece of wire .
24 The French doctors started me on a long-term course of antibiotics that are commonly used in France to fight toxoplasmosis and my blood tests were stepped up to once a week . ’
25 We reckon in about four and a half years I should have gone up at least a grade , so , allowing for the usual increments , and assuming that the mortgage rate does n't rise above the present eleven per cent , I should think we could afford to let Juliet stop work then . ’
26 These erudite analyses and subtle experiments thus led back to precisely the point at which they had started .
27 Thankfully , he had gone out for about an hour .
28 But the information was not passed on to either the hospital or the police .
29 Durham County Council engineers will be in Darlington at the weekend to put in moveable bollards which will be taken down after 4pm every day .
30 He was put through with just the keeper to beat who saved well & Shaprt hit the bar from the rebound .
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