Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] [art] [adj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 These had boiled down to the supposed constitutionally irregular remark that ‘ something must be done ’ .
2 He was hitting huge distances down wind but his shots to the green failed to bite and often rolled on into the rough beyond .
3 It is a shock to have the battle of Helm 's Deep decided by the Ents and Huorns , who were last seen marching on Isengard , but whose powers have never come out in the open before .
4 The audit needs to be carried out on a periodic rather than on an ad hoc basis , and , like any other rational evaluation , needs to be conducted in a systematic way .
5 Initially it was thought that there was an impairment in memory for visual stimuli but work carried out in the 1970s largely dispelled this notion .
6 Frisch is not exactly an existentialist , but his book is shot through with a certain emotionally short-circuiting ennui , a weary horror that life is nothing but a random yet poignant series of coincidences .
7 If preferred , calories can be averaged out on a weekly rather than a daily basis .
8 My attention is drawn back to the unpleasant here and now by a banging gavel : thunder shakes the firmament .
9 A small budget might be swallowed up with a few very expensive cases .
10 Although today these vital units of the railway system are being phased out by the modern fully automated control centres , there still remains the lonely , isolated signal box , often miles from anywhere , that on a dark winter 's night can conjure up strange happenings and instil fear even in the heart of the most level-headed signalman .
11 The larger pieces show a surprising link with her drawing which is not borne out by the smaller more elaborate pieces cast in bronze .
12 It 's stayed around about the eight just over eight percent , there has n't , there has n't been much movement .
13 Several grass-roots supporters want their concern about interest rates and higher mortgages to be brought out in the open tomorrow when Mr Lawson replies to the debate on the economy .
14 True , gay sexuality had featured with the Beats , with Kerouac 's ambivalent relationship with Ginsberg , his semi-love affair with Neal Cassidy ; and the subject had been touched on by the early underground , but rather in the way that Ezra Pound 's fascism had been treated , as an interesting eccentricity .
15 Yet last autumn Christie 's sold another ‘ canal houses ’ garniture , perhaps popped in by the Vietnamese just to test the water , for a mere Dfl28,000 ( £8,484 ) .
16 Since they were cut off from the mainstream anyway , both sexually and socially , they had nothing to lose by outrageousness in their clothes ’ .
17 He had started off in a modest enough way as a schoolboy like so many others — but at a time when education had not yet become compulsory ; what he did have was both the brains and the parental support to turn his flair for learning to good effect .
18 If we 'd been put back with an American maybe it meant that at least one of us could expect to be released .
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