Example sentences of "[vb pp] [v-ing] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 During this time an overall strategy will be developed drawing on the experiences of the selected trial centres in order to provide a firm base for planning of the second phase which will begin in mid-1988 .
2 Naturally these varied depending on the beliefs of the people in question .
3 The different financial intermediaries can be grouped according to the types of deposit taking and lending in which they specialize .
4 The bass part has therefore been added according to the principles of interval harmony , so as to maintain the right equilibrium of consonance and dissonance .
5 The degree of intestinal metaplasia was classified as absent , incomplete , complete or mixed according to the criteria of Filipe and Jass .
6 She had n't forgotten going to the pictures with Vernon to see The Song of Bernadette .
7 But Dalgliesh knew that Massingham still half-regretted the days when women police officers were content to find lost children , search female prisoners , reform prostitutes , comfort the bereaved and , if they hankered for the excitement of criminal investigation , were suitably occupied coping with the peccadilloes of juvenile delinquents .
8 In the corner of one of the courts a small figure of Queen Nefertari is depicted standing by the feet of a colossus .
9 They wrote on ‘ Ariachne 's Broken Woof : Art as Discarded Spinning in the Poems of LaMotte . ’
10 Power could be obtained for operating these lifts by means of Oil Engines — which could be started and stopped according to the exigencies of the traffic — without loss or expense of continuous attention and waste of fuel .
11 The major attraction of a fully-fledged GIS is that it gives access to large volumes of cartographic and attribute data which can be manipulated according to the needs of the user and the flexibility of the system software .
12 There are annual abridgments of authorities since 1974 , containing the headnotes of cases and summaries of legislation etc. , arranged according to the titles of the main work .
13 Rugby Union is experimenting with changes in the points-scoring system ; Formula One is questioning the capabilities of its cars ; and cricket in this country is being revised according to the recommendations of the Murray Commission .
14 Repayments and interest have then been calculated according to the terms of the agreement and the estimates of drawings .
15 Through the whole of the long night that followed , Boldwood 's dark figure could be seen walking over the hills of Weatherbury like a ghost .
16 In those times people worshipped according to the cycles of nature ; they held rituals at key points of the year , and in the minds of the Charismatics they are very much associated with things like standing stones .
17 These are designed and manufactured according to the requirements of a particular order .
18 The Committee 's version of " English " at university level was thus shaped according to the requirements of providing a centre of mobilization and a potent pedagogic instrument .
19 Exponentially growing Hep3B cells were treated with IL-6 for several time intervals ( 0 , 1 , 2 , 4 , 6 , 12 and 24h ) and total RNA was prepared according to the procedures of Chomezynski and Sacchi ( 35 ) .
20 Second antibody and subsequent incubations were done according to the specifications of a Vectastain ABC Kit ( Vector Laboratories ) and colour was visualized with 3,3'-diaminobenzidine .
21 We hope to show that methods are not , and can not be , selected according to the qualities of the data they yield alone .
22 A range of modellers should thus be made available and selected according to the needs of the specific problem being investigated .
23 At nine o'clock on November 2 , two men were seen clambering over the gates of a warehouse in Tamworth Road , Croydon …
24 During the summer , when Sirius rises heliacally , only twelve of these divisions of the sky can be seen rising during the hours of darkness , and it was this that led to the twelve-hour division of the night .
25 Especially notable is the approach view from the road bridge , where the vast pile can be seen rising from the banks of the great river .
26 Casting flashes can often be seen running down the sides of objects such as bronze palstaves ( fig. 5.8 ) , which were cast in two-part moulds .
27 Three years ago , nobody who read either the front , middle or back pages of a newspaper could have missed reading about the exploits of these two mega-stars .
28 Individuals were seen jumping from the windows of the buildings straggling the French and Soviet sectors of the city before they could be bricked up .
29 She then assumed the form of a MERMAID , or SIREN , and was often seen sitting on the banks of the Rhine strumming a wistful song on her harp .
30 Forced landings were common , even Charlie Chaplin was seen standing on the sands of Bologne in the early 1920s while his pilot fixed the aircraft .
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