Example sentences of "[vb pp] [coord] [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As far as I can discover from replies received or from the 1959 College Register the rest of us , either from choice or to fulfil the conditions of grants or the needs of wartime , became teachers , the length of our service varying accordingly .
2 The power of traditional chiefs was curbed and for the first time women and young people were drawn into the political process .
3 Because of rising costs and the import of cheap foreign lead in the late 1800s , the market collapsed and by the early years of this century the mines had all closed .
4 This is surely to be explained by the paramount corporate and legal sense of identity which the clergy enjoyed and by the institutional roots which convocation had in the church 's own provincial councils ; the assembly of merchants , for example , was nothing like so well established or defined .
5 If you wish to cancel your booking this must be done in writing from the person in whose name the booking is invoiced to the travel agent through whom the booking was made or to the Invoicing Dept , Redwing Holidays Limited , Groundstar House , London Road , Crawley , West Sussex , RH10 2TB , and sent by Recorded Delivery if you have booked with us direct .
6 But any economy that was made or in the early days of Hector 's er business , I know , was always saving material rather than time .
7 Costs can not be claimed before Legal Aid is granted or beyond the Green Form limit or any limitation on a Legal Aid certificate .
8 More than a year after the publication of the Pastoral Instruction Aetatis Novae on the communications media , I once again invite all of you to reflect on the vision of the modern world which the instruction presented and on the practical implications of the situations it described .
9 The Warwickshire jurors , on being asked on what authority they had returned that ten townships ‘ with their woods , wastes and fields ’ had been afforested by King John , and that in 1154 there had been no royal forest in their county , replied that they knew by what their ancestors had related and by the common talk of the country .
10 In 1515 , we find a cow being left to provide a light before the rood to burn from the second peal to matins , and till high mass is done and from the second peal to evensong till evensong be done for ever more .
11 I delivered it to my agent to be framed and for the final hanging in the boardroom .
12 With a brief nod and a smile that again dazzled and at the same time almost lulled her into thinking things were going to be normal between them from now on , he left .
13 For instance one may find marked relief from taking warm drinks which would make another feel much worse ; one may have a high fever and sweats whilst another has no fever at all ; one may be hot and want to be uncovered and in the fresh air whilst another is hot yet wants to be covered up to his chin ; one may wish to continue his work whilst another might only wish to lie down and die and so on .
14 Finally , all is prepared and as the second hand ticks over into 8.30 pm the command ‘ Run Tape ’ is given .
15 Thanks to , among others , John Robinson and the radical theologians , however , the way has been paved for humanist concerns to become more widely accepted and for the established Church to lose its importance in the areas of both public and private morality .
16 The only breeding ground which is infertile is one running at high stress for achievement , tightly mapped and with the maximum openness .
17 Well we , we ca n't because the thing is the , the national decision has been made and within the final report to , to all the conferences this year .
18 It was just as I had remembered it for over thirty years , it was just as it used to appear at least once a week at lunch in the Paris household where I spent two years of my youth with a greedy Norman family : two years of study interspersed with the most trying of family meals , endless and infinitely to be dreaded but for the blessed beauty of the food .
19 The Common Registration Act 1965 , established the Registers , and that no further registrations can be made but under the Common Land ( Rectification of Registers ) Act 1989 , there is a procedure by which certain land may be removed from the Registers of Common Land and Town and Village Greens .
20 The common-room was large and comfortably furnished and at the far end included pool tables , dartboards and table tennis .
21 In 1991 there were fewer people killed on the roads in Lothian than at any time since 1975 when the Region was formed and at the same time the Region experienced the second lowest casualty total .
22 In the former case the profits arose where the property was situated and in the latter case where the rights were exercisable .
23 On the first day of the blizzard 30 of my sheep got buried and on the first night my kennel runs were covered with six feet of snow , making it difficult , if not impossible , to get the dogs out .
24 On replay with a correcting network , the signal is normalised and at the same time , the signal to noise ratio is improved .
25 But there were heavy criticisms during the period it was broadcast and in the following months .
26 But one winter she got flu , her work was sapped and for the first time the critics were unkind .
27 Some commentators have gone further and pointed to the relatively high proportion of UK production which has been exported and to the high ratio of exports of GDP in international terms .
28 Man is fallible , and his fallibility is shown not just in the manner in which the methods are used but in the belief-gathering methods available to him .
29 All ulcers in patients on omeprazole plus amoxicillin healed but in the triple treatment group four patients had residual peptic lesions after six weeks ( ulcer healing rate : 78.9% , p=0.11 ) .
30 The next day , following tests , the IIRS said the pollution was well diluted and below the tolerable level .
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