Example sentences of "[vb pp] [coord] [verb] [pron] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But he made one tell him and immediately he had explained or shown one the fallacy of one 's doubt .
2 You 've come and read me a bed time story when I have n't been very well and I 've been in bed .
3 Again , like teachers , there are one or two honest coppers , but in general they nick you for things you have not done or give you a sound slapping to make you remember them .
4 Of the two passengers , both women , one had turned and given them a glare , the other pretended nothing was going on .
5 I should like , on their behalf , to thank him for all he has done and to wish him every success in his new appointment as Director General of the Electronic Components Industry Federation .
6 The prison governor tells them they are about to be shot and offers them the choice of dying like men or wearing blindfolds .
7 I wished we might have stopped and offered her a lift .
8 When an old woman on the mountain curtseys to Marco , when a priest takes the boys to the cave where loyalists have gathered and shows them a portrait of the historic Ivor , the story rises to a climax , but not to the final climax .
9 Notify the press of your efforts to get a conservation area designated and send them a copy of the booklet you have prepared .
10 And actually , one day , because she knew it was my favourite , she said that I could have permission to have it copied and gave me the name of the jeweller , which I thought was so sweet .
11 My intervention , such as it was , became well known and earned me the enmity of two or three people whose awards had been either altered or struck out .
12 This consists of fortnightly meetings within each department of the hotel which offer all staff a chance to discuss the way their hotel is run and allows them an opportunity to make suggestions for ways to improve the service they provide .
13 She invited them to be seated and offered them a drink .
14 He said but she 'd be considered along with all the others but she ai n't gon na get a job with terminal full time when her contract runs out on May the eighteenth if she does n't get her finger out and get dr driving test passed and buy herself a car .
15 Because the sons of the primal father both loved and hated him the possibility arose that those of them who by luck or design chanced on their actual fathers in their hunt for women and killed him or drove him off ( most probably the former , the latter seems insufficiently traumatic ) would have gratified one side of their ambivalent feelings , but would by the same action have frustrated the other .
16 He told students at Edinburgh University that no changes were planned but allowed himself a get-out clause by stressing that he would not be tied to any position until the Government 's conclusions on the industry had been agreed .
17 Giving parents a measure of choice would , it was argued , be more likely to secure their involvement in the school and in their child 's schooling : ‘ They are more likely to support a school they have freely chosen and to give it the loyalty which is so essential if their children are to do the same . ’
18 Now she saved her animus largely for the council , which seemed unfair , since it had permitted her to buy for almost nothing the house which her mother had rented and given her a grant for improvements .
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