Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adj] [noun sg] for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Spokesman Ben Ord said doorstep canvassing had registered strong support for the Liberal Democrats .
2 Ludendorff has widely been given sole credit for the great German victory at Tannenberg , but before he and Hindenburg had even arrived at their new post imaginative steps had been taken by Colonel Max Hoffmann , Deputy Chief of Operations of the Eighth Army , which made that victory possible .
3 Prestwick Holdings Plc has reported net profit for the six months to January 31 up 25.9% at £102,000 on turnover that rose 30.0% at £18.1m .
4 ( 1981 ) concluded that radiative forcing by greenhouse gases together with volcanoes accounted for 75 per cent of the variance in the 5-year smoothed global temperature for the past century , while the addition of a hypothesized variation in solar luminosity increased the figure to 90 per cent .
5 They had neither made adequate preparation for the Single European Market nor allowed for proper funding for the Channel tunnel .
6 Above all , there was disappointment at Hitler 's remarks that he had made full provision for the coming winter — the logical conclusion being drawn ‘ that the struggle in the east , in contrast to the hopes entertained up to now by the overwhelming majority of the population , can not be ended before the next winter ’ .
7 The seamen are therefore determined that they will have nothing to do with Germans of any description until the Germans have made full reparation for the cruel murders committed and the lives lost on the high seas from submarine action " .
8 She ran as though she was wearing high heels when a terrible flop on her last visit to Britain , having been made hot favourite for the 1,000 Guineas won by Sayyedati .
9 She ran as though she was wearing high heels when a terrible flop on her last visit to Britain , having been made hot favourite for the 1,000 Guineas won by Sayyedati .
10 In the Congo he had hunted big game for the first time and in Abyssinia he took every opportunity to do so , and conveyed his enthusiasm to me when I was only a small boy .
11 Insignia has shown consistent profitability for the last five quarters and in calendar 1991 had sales of $14.5m — £8m , an 80% increase over the previous year .
12 Last night 's presentation of this very old and very , very popular musical provided a lot of notice and much needed financial assistance for the superb Glenveagh Special Care School in south Belfast .
13 Women were granted the vote and given equal citizenship for the first time in the 1950 Constitution .
14 However , he gained the confidence and personal friendship of Pope Pius IX and exercised considerable influence for the next twenty years .
15 Will the Minister confirm that we have stopped medium-term cover for the Soviet Union longer than any other OECD country ?
16 There is a much appreciated personal escort for the 100 yards to the hotel , for the price of a handful of Marlboro .
17 The government has provided substantial help for the communal areas and resettlement schemes , in terms of agricultural extension services , greater access to credit and health care facilities .
18 Durkheim 's sociology as a whole , and in particular his view of the need for a new moral authority in society , not only provided general support for the political ideas of the Third Republic in France , but had a direct influence upon educational policy and the attempts to create a ‘ secular morality ’ .
19 Physicists working on CESR , the Cornell Electron Storage Ring at Cornell University in Ithaca , New York , have found new evidence for the so-called B mesons .
20 Indeed , it is at exactly this stage of Picasso 's evolution that one senses behind his art the presence of this great ‘ primitive ’ who in his naiveté had unconsciously succeeded in ignoring the forces which had influenced French painting for the past fifty years , the forces against which Picasso and his friends were most immediately reacting .
21 He was appointed chief engineer for the Grand Junction ( later the Grand Union ) canal in 1793 .
22 Arens said that the US side had indicated continuing support for the joint US-Israeli development of the Arrow surface-to-air missile programme , which involved the US company Lockheed , and on which the USA was underwriting 80 per cent of the costs .
23 After its passage in 1833 he was appointed resident engineer for the northern section of the line .
24 Two days later , with the Nationalists on the western outskirts of Madrid , the government left the beleaguered and , it was unanimously believed , doomed Spanish capital for the safer haven of Valencia .
25 The image of the disastrous goalkeeper has haunted Scottish football for the last 30 years .
26 It has taken real courage for the 26-year-old Good 'ol Boy from Dardanelle , Arkansas , to admit his alcohol dependency to the world , turn his back on tournament golf for now and reach for help instead of his enormous metal driver .
27 Those accusations are always made by the same people who have all but destroyed public support for the local authority concept because of their blindness to the requirements of good financial management within local authorities .
28 Planned public expenditure for the next financial year is up by 7 per cent .
29 Bill Lockhart and Betty Street have also achieved international fame for the quilted effects on their Texan creations , where the sewing skills are admired as much as the medley of geometric colour patterns .
30 The Milan Congress gave impetus to those who favoured the Pure Oral method to agitate for the inclusion of education of the deaf in the proposed Royal Commission that was to be formed to look at educational provision for the blind in Britain , on the grounds that the Education Acts of the 1870s had ignored educational provision for the deaf and dumb .
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