Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] time to time by " in BNC.

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1 ( 2 ) For the purposes of this section : ( a ) " special road " and " special road authority " have the same meanings as in the Roads ( Scotland ) Act 1984 and ( b ) " class I " means class 1 in Schedule 3 to the Act , as varied from time to time by any order under section 8 of that Act , but , if that Schedule is amended by such an order so as to add to it a further class of traffic , the order may adapt the reference in this section to traffic of class 1 so as to take account of the additional class .
2 In addition , it is supplemented from time to time by statements of practice or policy issued by the Panel .
3 As the author of this publication , my opinion has been sought from time to time by dealers , other scholars and the auction rooms .
4 Institutions authorised by the Bank of England to carry on a deposit-taking business in this country are required to make contributions to the Deposit Protection Fund as levied from time to time by the Deposit Protection Board .
5 This was reiterated from time to time by showing them pages from the field notes and extracts from the data .
6 Although the archive has been used from time to time by researchers in pursuit of specific information , no general survey of the contents has been undertaken since the death of Lord Beveridge in 1963 .
7 In this area , however , during the Quaternary they were invaded from time to time by thick wedges of debris flows .
8 The rule has been slightly relaxed over the last few years , although only in relation to secondary legislation ; it has also been breached from time to time by a number of judges , not least by judicial free spirit , the former Master of the Rolls , Lord Denning .
9 Full-time undergraduate , postgraduate , diploma and certificate students are required to pay , prior to enrolment , a composite annual fee as prescribed from time to time by the Council of the University .
10 Subject to the payment of a fee prescribed from time to time by statutory instrument , any person is entitled to inspect and to obtain copies of ‘ any records kept by the registrar for the purposes of the Companies Acts ’ ; no distinction is drawn between the rights of members and inspection by other persons .
11 The financial criteria are altered from time to time by regulations .
12 The life of this normally gentle giant of a man was also punctuated from time to time by acts of sudden , often inexplicable , violence , usually associated with an over-generous intake of alcohol .
13 Let's think about the unsuccessful hospitals and , possibly more to the point , the unsuccessful ventures undertaken from time to time by otherwise efficient units .
14 The draftsman should either designate in the lease the place where the advertisement may be maintained , or grant the tenant a right to maintain an advertisement in such place as may be designated from time to time by the landlord or his surveyor .
15 Snakes have been mobbed from time to time by groups of ground squirrels .
16 Just as the coastal cities were subjected throughout the centuries to incursions from the interior by the forces of whichever power held sway beyond the mountains — Byzantines , Hungarians , Serbs and Turks — so the tranquillity of the Mediterranean climate is brutally violated from time to time by the icy blasts of the bura .
17 My interest in China was increased from time to time by my acquaintance with a Cantonese who operated a shoe repair shop on the High Street .
18 have been a full-time teacher for at least two years in college , polytechnic or university teaching students following a course leading to the HCIMA professional examination or such other qualifications as are defined from time to time by the council
19 The professor will be qualified for election as one of the official members of the Boards of the Faculties of Mathematical Sciences and Physical Sciences who are elected from time to time by the respective faculties from the lists of qualified persons to hold office for two years .
20 2.6.1 for insuring the Centre or ( where such insurance includes the Centre and other premises ) such proportion [ reasonably ] attributable to the Centre of the sums that the Landlord shall from time to time pay by way of premium for insuring the Centre and other premises to be determined from time to time by the Surveyor acting as an expert and not as an arbitrator
21 All goods supplied by the Seller shall be in accordance with ( i ) the current edition of the relevant Product Description Leaflet as published from time to time by the Seller ( copies of which are available from the Seller upon request ) and ( ii ) those further specifications or descriptions ( if any ) expressly listed or set out on the face of the Order .
22 Rule 2 of the Solicitors ' Practice Rules 1990 provides : Solicitors may at their discretion publicise their practices , or permit other persons to do so , or publicise the businesses or activities of other persons , provided there is no breach of these rules and provided there is compliance with a Solicitors ' Publicity Code promulgated from time to time by the Council of the Law Society with the concurrence of the Master of the Rolls .
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