Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [pers pn] on the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The case of the chartered accountant who has just been found guilty of a serious reckless driving offence only came to the Institute 's attention by chance , when an Investigation Committee member heard about it on the radio .
2 ‘ I 'm surprised I have n't heard about you on the grapevine .
3 In short , Labour and the Liberal Democrats will have the argument won for them on the ground — and as long as they locate their policies in terms of wealth creation , rather than punitive redistribution , the current election election result has given them a platform from which effectively to challenge for power next time round .
4 Beside him sat a man of such immense proportions that Eddie Stratton wondered how he could ever fit into the seat that had been booked for him on the flight to Heathrow , scheduled to leave in forty minutes ' time .
5 I had an Abaya ( the long black gown ) which I had carried with me on the plane and a scarf to cover my hair , so I was able to enter the Ministry of Health without shocking the men too much .
6 Knitweave can be thought of as a stocking stitch fabric with the weaving yarn caught into it on the purl side .
7 She thought of the times she had put her hand into Nick 's , how she had sat beside him on the grass only half an hour ago .
8 The idea of starting an airline had come to him on the demise of Laker Airways in February 1982 .
9 And the way she 'd looked at her on the doorstep , and the cup of tea she 'd spilled and blamed on her age .
10 I wondered if her presence was an invitation ; I felt that if I stretched out my hand to grasp hers she would have sat by me on the bed .
11 He had already heard of us on the river grapevine , about our journey upriver with Muhammad and Milhaez and Romany .
12 Well I , I had n't heard of it on the telly , I
13 This is the means by which LCH becomes the exclusive counterparty to both seller and buyer in respect of a contract made between them on the market .
14 Unfair , maybe , but a horribly damaging allegation to have made about you on the eve of the Lions ' selection .
15 I mean you get Sweet Fanny Adams done with them on the run up to Christmas anyway , E.l.S .
16 True , the word star could be loosely applied to him on the basis that he had ‘ starred ’ in more than a dozen films .
17 I would have said to you on the phone we do n't make appointments to go and see people to talk about advertising .
18 I 'm sure I 've I said to you on the phone I think .
19 You can appreciate by the remarks my agent made to me on the telephone ( words which I swear I have not amended or distorted in any way at all ) just how big and unpleasant a problem I have sitting like a gibbering troll on my innocent shoulders .
20 Coy then took the DDI through the report Adam had made to him on the phone .
21 Sir Anthony concludes : ‘ A regulatory agency — which is what the Department were , at the time , in relation to the protection of investors — ought , to my mind , by definition adopt a rigorous and enquiring approach as regards material coming into its possession concerning an undertaking about which suspicions have been aroused , and also as regards representations made to it on the part of the undertaking in question .
22 A female courts one or more males and then goes round laying eggs in nests prepared by them on the ground .
23 One night , a crowd gathered behind me on the pavement .
24 I 've talked with him on the telephone and with any luck he should be over here on Monday .
25 This clause relies upon the ticket cases discussed above , ( see particularly Parker v South Eastern Railway , ante ) If such clauses are to stand it is vital that attention be drawn to them on the face of the order , and wording for this purpose is also provided at the commencement of Precedent 2 .
26 He 's so bloated and , I mean I have n't seen him , I said I 've , I 've talked to him on the phone .
27 He no longer maintained the stance he had advanced to me on the telephone .
28 Or maybe Veronica had got to him on the subject .
29 We had indeed , and Denis was in a filthy mood because his motorbike had died on him on the way into Cambridge and he had had to push it five miles back — and he had been taking his temper out on me ever since lunchtime .
30 In at least one case , an artist has requested the option to buy back his own work , only for his letter to go unanswered ; Saatchi is known to have split up one series of paintings which were sold to him on the strength of verbal assurances that they would stay together .
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