Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 But there were long days of gloom and seasickness , as the ship plunged through the 20-foot seas and storms of the Arctic summer .
2 Sir Ranulph said he became bad-tempered and tensions developed between the two men as their strength ebbed away .
3 The courts can order presses to be stopped for the same reasons as they can order assets to be frozen or property to be returned .
4 The racists are redefined as the black racists and Mr Honey ford , dogged defender of freedom , is invited to Number 10 Downing Street for consultation .
5 Many explanations have been given for the careful measurements and statistical information so frequent in Wordsworth 's early poetry , for example : but surely even this may ultimately go back to a desire to placate the scientific and Lockean tradition .
6 Some of the young calves are fattened on the farms but many are reared for a few months and then sold for fattening in central or eastern Britain .
7 Well , people tend to be referred through the psychiatric services as they currently exist locally , er or through their G P .
8 In slot-blot experiments with total DNA , the ratios ( signal obtained with mitochondrial probe/signal obtained with nuclear probe ) were calculated for the two strains and compared .
9 This increase in greenhouse gases is expected to eventually force global temperatures to rise by 2 to 5 °C , although the full amount of warming will be delayed for a few decades because of oceanic thermal inertia .
10 With great reluctance , Reagan bowed to pressure from his advisers and compromised the Kemp-Roth principle somewhat by agreeing that the first cut should be delayed for a few months and reduced to 5 per cent in the first year with 10 per cent cuts in years two and three .
11 Those problems have not been solved — just as we said that they would not be — because the Government did not take the issue seriously enough and did not press as they should have pressed for the substantial reforms that were needed .
12 The wireless crackled for a few moments until , after much jiggling with the knobs , the voice of Mr Chamberlain became clear .
13 The tape crackled for a few seconds and then hummed as he replaced the receiver .
14 Small children scrambled for the scattered coins before they washed down the drains .
15 The village founded by King Billy has come through the bad times and it has not surrendered .
16 Dahl focused upon the making of decisions over which there was an observable conflict of opinion and he studied how that conflict was resolved between the different individuals and groups involved .
17 Savanna regions occupy c. 20 per cent of the earth 's land surface , comprising some 23 × 107sup6 ; km located between the equatorial rainforests and the mid-latitude arid and semi-arid deserts .
18 Hazily cradled between the blue-ing mountains and hills of the Great Glen faultline , I was the canal flowing inexorably northwards .
19 Tears are shed as the traditional homes and communities are left — where the peasants and their families had lived for hundreds of years — and they go to feed the machine .
20 As a last example of the potential role of operations research in GIS and disaster management we are reminded of the logistic problems that faced the Peel Regional Police Force during the Mississauga evacuation mentioned previously ( Scanlon and Padgham 1980 ) .
21 To return to the offending nettle ( Urtica dioica ) or , it too had its uses : Martin Martin noted that in Skye ‘ the tops of nettles , chopped small , and mixed with a few whites or raw eggs , applied to the forehead and temples by way of a frontel , is used to procure sleep ’ .
22 Frequently , however , there is also an ingrowth of the sternum near their origin so that they are carried inwards and the whole forms a Y-shaped structure , the furca , whose internal arms may become fused with the pleural arms or are connected with them by short muscles .
23 Their houses , no more than huts , were scattered along the sunken tracks or half hidden in woods , or else perched on the slopes of the low hills .
24 Palaeo-biological precedent dictated such an organ be housed in Gavin 's ample rear , and have responsibility for his lower limbs — not to say urges — rather than his arms , but then one never knew , and I reckoned Gavin 's modest forebrain — doubtless fully occupied with the post-modernist sub-texts and tertiary structuralist imagery of Red Heat — could probably do with all the help it could get .
25 She had looked into the midnight-dark eyes and it had n't seemed to matter at all that the plaza was a very busy place .
26 You should then decide which area of parcel is going to be decorated with the pressed flowers and foliage .
27 At Water Newton , for instance , the fringes around the urban core appear to merge imperceptibly into the countryside ; this is especially clear in the Normangate Field area , where the known kilns are interspersed with the urban workshops and shrines on the one hand and the droveways and rural estates of the villas on the other .
28 It will be discharged via the fallopian tubes but will not implant itself .
29 Professor Derek Ellwood , director of the pathogenic microbe research laboratory at the Centre for Applied Microbiology Research , Porton Down , Wiltshire , says that ‘ from the point of view of safety , a biotechnology factory should not be designed in the same ways as one making antibiotics ’ .
30 Much later , it seemed , she awoke and when she turned over and looked towards where the chanting had come from the African men and women had eaten and were packing away and decamping .
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