Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [noun] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Parents who do n't want their kids taught about homosexuality in the first grade are not bigots .
2 Admiral Lord Nelson is said to have stopped for tea in the local Anchor Hotel on his way to join the British Fleet at Trafalgar .
3 The Big Six are in an unassailable position and no new firm formed through mergers in the second tier will ever be able to catch up with them , according to former Arthur Andersen senior partner Ian Hay Davison .
4 Texts are sometimes altered editorially for particular purposes , and in this respect , for example , you could compare Shakespeare 's play Henry V with a version of the play revised for performance in the eighteenth century .
5 Prehistorians have rationalised this recently in the absence of documentary evidence by looking for different ‘ activity areas ’ within settlements and such concepts as food processing , craft areas , food storage areas , etc. could usefully be developed for sites in the historical period .
6 Firstly , the chart parser was an existing framework , originally developed for use in the syntactic domain , but also used in other areas of the speech chain , e.g. acoustic-phonetic analysis ( Church 1983 ) It was specifically designed for automatically building a graph of possibilities , these possibilities being determined by the component knowledge sources , not by the parser .
7 However , the regression coefficients relating birth weight and systolic pressure in those children , once adjusted for variation in the standard deviation of systolic pressure at different ages , do not become consistently stronger with age ( figure ) .
8 On the other hand , foreign languages were clearly expected to be taught for communication in the first place .
9 Several of these applications , such as nuclear power-plant maintenance , are designated for development in the MITI project .
10 Heavily-backed to follow up in a Listed event at Newmarket last month , King 's Signet was exposed for pace in the closing stages by Stack Rock and Garah .
11 He acted out of moral considerations yet they could not be regarded as principles in the Kantian sense because they were principles or considerations involved in what Winch calls ‘ ‘ the perspective' ’ of the action' .
12 This remark emphasizes again the point previously made that moral considerations , which can not be regarded as principles in the Kantian sense , are involved in situations of moral dilemma or in what Winch calls ‘ ‘ the perspective' ’ of the action' .
13 Similarly , the phenomenon which is treated as evidence in the deductive explanation ( e.g. , there is glass on the ground ) can also be treated as an effect in an empirical explanation :
14 The club holds its annual meeting next Wednesday and will hear its running costs have been stabilised after losses in the two previous seasons .
15 I am using a range of paints produced in Australia by Art Spectrum which includes colours with names like Tasman blue , Flinders blue violet , Australian leaf green and Pilbora red , designed for use in the southern hemisphere .
16 For example , their report stated that syllabuses for pupils of lower attainment had been constructed from those designed for pupils in the top quarter of attainment by deleting a few topics and reducing the depth of treatment of others .
17 On the " substantial " interpretation , they are seen simply as relating to certain terms which if substituted for variables in the relevant propositional schemata yield ( contextually ) true propositions , irrespective of whether or not such terms stand for actually existing objects .
18 At the point nearest to the Sun , , so that this equation reduces to With this value substituted for W in the previous equation we have .
19 Stone recurrence after extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy is expected to be similar and has been reported as 9% in the first year .
20 If we go back to the education example , and suppose that the first vote is between L and M , then if the rich vote sincerely L wins , and in the second round H defeats L. On the other hand , if the rich had voted for M in the first round , then M would have gone on to win in the second round .
21 Sparta voted for war against Athens on this occasion in her own chamber , thereby getting Samos on to the Peloponnesian League agenda ; the Corinthians voted for peace in the second , decisive meeting , composed of the whole league ( Thuc. i.40 ) .
22 Only six customers had been disconnected for non-payment in the last six months .
23 Welcome back : The story of a solicitor who was hanged for murder in the 1920's is being turned into a drama by ITV .
24 Evans was wrongly accused and hanged for murder in the famous Christie case .
25 All these and many more will be considered for awards in the following categories : Most impressive contribution by a major organization in the South East , most interesting contribution by a local organization in the South East , and most significant presentation in nineteen eighty two We have two further categories : the most imaginative idea developed in nineteen eighty two and the most promising project for nineteen eighty three .
26 All hybrid teas and the majority of the floribunda roses have to be dismantled petal by petal if you want a really good end result , and then re-assembled for use in the pressed flower picture .
27 It is no accident that it was recommended for use in the fifteenth-century Lay Folks Mass Book at the elevation of the Host .
28 There is a proviso to the definition which excepts a licence granted to premises which have been rebuilt after destruction in the same form as the previous licence from being a new licence .
29 Many clients became disillusioned with search in the 1970s , receiving some indifferent service and assuming that all headhunters were the same ; this view is rapidly disappearing in the 1980s , although many search practices current during the Big Bang gave search a bad name , such as wholesale movement of trading and broking teams , for instance .
30 The ‘ new classicals ’ macro theory is historically fairly recent , having come into vogue in the late 1970s and 1980s .
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