Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] [adv] [adv] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 Local government capital expenditure is ‘ cash limited ’ , but current expenditure is cash limited only as far as the overall total of the Rate Support Grant ( RSG ) 3 is concerned .
2 Converters made of chromite and copper oxide were considered as long ago as the 1970s , but ruled out because they proved less effective than those containing the more precious metals .
3 Latvian tombs , hoards of treasure found in Estonia , jewellery , statuettes and household articles discovered in Poland , together with objects from the Byzantine and Islamic worlds illustrate how this people of warriors and merchants expanded eastward as far as the Caliphate of Baghdad , while excavations in ‘ Norman ’ territory ( at Downham in Norfolk and in the vicinity of Rouen ) provide proof of Norse expansionism in another direction .
4 It is clear that the accounts of miracles in the Bible are written just as factually as the accounts of other events .
5 The trouble is that his men have done just as badly as the old guard .
6 A powerful challenge to such approaches was made as long ago as the 1930s by Professor E. E. Evans-Pritchard who lived with and studied the Azande of Central Africa , a technologically simple society whom Europeans therefore tended to assume were intellectually simple as well .
7 The epicentre was near Bishops Castle in Shropshire , but the shaking was felt as far afield as the intensity 2 area .
8 Its influence is felt as far away as the London Underground , which is having its new , networked , interactive time-tabling system , Cart , programmed by a Delhi firm , CMC .
9 The shock of the sinking was felt as far away as the World 's Edge Mountains and is recorded in the chronicles of the Dwarf kings .
10 In the second year , there is an in-depth examination of Scotland since 1660 ; this brings out how many aspects of modern Scotland were shaped as long ago as the late seventeenth century .
11 An earlier wharf there had been used as long ago as the mid 17C. to off-load haematite brought up from Low Furness mines for the le Fleming family 's iron forge on Church Beck .
12 The foregoing justification of induction is quite unacceptable , as David Hume conclusively demonstrated as long ago as the mid-eighteenth century .
13 No man , nor even a dog , a monkey or a dolphin , would be fooled quite so readily as the robin , though we too react according to habituated mental patterns .
14 However , the effects of urban growth on rural communities had been recognized as long ago as the late 1930s , when Ashby ( 1939 ) argued that the unbalanced age structure and uneconomic service provision caused by rural depopulation had been offset by the spread of urban population into the rural areas in the inter-war years .
15 Although the need for one organization of policy-making for curriculum and examinations had been recognized as long ago as the mid-1960s ( through the establishment of the Schools Council ) , it had been abandoned in the early 1980s in favour of centralized curriculum-making and a blanket acceptance that the assessment of individual pupils ' achievement would lead to greater improvements in the system than the development of logically connected public examinations and national qualifications .
16 Spider silk is made from proteins , and is nearly as strong as nylon , though it can be stretched twice as far as the man-made material .
17 Those days have gone only so long as a Government are in power who are determined to continue a regime of common sense and reasonable and balanced industrial relations .
18 More important than that ( for medieval village buildings could have been swept away as easily as the Romans had swept away the native British buildings for their planned towns ) — a variety of ownerships and rights had grown up that precluded a unified plan even as early as the twelfth or thirteenth century .
19 But the academic publishing world has been hit just as hard as the rest of the academic world .
20 The trunk was studded with knot-holes spaced for climbing and the naked branches spun upwards as evenly as the treads of a spiral staircase .
21 From Rotterdam Cottage the cannabis was moved by road in vans to a garage in Station Road , Penge , South East London which , in the words of Scotland Yard 's drugs squad chief was " fortified almost as well as the Bank of England " .
22 Has worked as far afield as the University of Otago [ New Zealand ] .
23 The idea had been put forward as early as the end of the Second World War , when E. M. W. Tillyard had advocated a new relief university for Oxford and Cambridge at Stamford .
24 The Mentawai Islands off the west coast of Sumatra represent the highest parts of the outer-arc ridge of the Sunda Arc and this structure can be traced northwards as far as the Indoburman Ranges in Burma ( Fig. 3.9 ) .
25 From Hassan there was to be none of the commitment already expressed — and to be expressed ever more passionately as the Shahs 's journey continued — by Anwar Sadat .
26 Of course you could try a tantalising headline but do remember that in the first instance you have to attract the attention and interest of the journalist or editor , who is not going to be tempted quite as easily as the reader might be .
27 This was established as long ago as the year 1802 by William Herschel , one of the greatest observers who has ever lived .
28 A mission had been established there as early as the 1830s and the Liliuokalani Protestant Church , named after Hawaii 's last queen , was still standing .
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