Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] [adv] for the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Sally went , relieved at not having had her love bite spotted but filled with indignation at having been blamed so unjustly for the Gran Bristow episode .
2 Now we can only hope that things are resolved quickly enough for the developments to be finished in time for the 1994 Open . ’
3 The crisis has come too quickly for the company , which only this morning was due to launch a new truck .
4 It seems that in his habit of making films that are considered too long for the US cinema circuits , Cameron may have unwittingly provided film companies with a money-spinning way of making people pay to see the same movie twice .
5 He said ‘ Kylie had prepared really well for the part of Char .
6 Even Moran had to admit it though he dismissed it as well by saying that it would have done well enough for the likes of him as it had been .
7 This , then , was the method adopted almost universally for the control and eradication of malaria after the Second World War .
8 Had it been grown there expressly for the purpose of alluring cattle to their destruction , the defendant would have been liable , not on the grounds of Rylands v. Fletcher , but because he would have been in the position of one who deliberately sets traps baited with flesh in order to attract and catch dogs which are otherwise not trespassing at all .
9 The silos , which were built almost exclusively for the storage of milling wheat have a capacity of 33,000 tons .
10 The night duty men are also called early from their beds to parade for the football matches , therefore with insufficient sleep , coupled with hours of standing in the cold within a short space of rising from a warm bed , it is not surprising to have a heavy sick list … can not matters be arranged more conveniently for the family man ?
11 The research aims to develop techniques of obtaining information about the landscape using remote sensing systems and to present and display these data so that they may be used more effectively for the management of landscape resources .
12 ‘ I 'm sure you 've stripped willingly enough for the men who have enjoyed your favours in the past . ’
13 now we already know that there was a meeting which was called fairly promptly for the Monday of the following week which would have been the eleventh , did you attend that meeting ?
14 As she gathered up the bedding and cushions she had hung out of the windows to air before the evening earth began to exhale dew , she wondered whether she should fetch out her best mantilla , the white lace her mother had given her for her first communion , which she never wore because it seemed so showy , and had n't worn even yesterday for the Easter Mass .
15 Brought together again for the conference , which starts in december , most are agreed it 's a good idea .
16 Many of the tips provided so far for the management of children have been relevant for adolescents .
17 Sweden is the latest country to suffer from criminals fiddling with mobile phones to re-direct bills — thousands of phones were stolen , altered and sold back to the market as ‘ no charge phones ’ : 10 people have been arrested so far for the crime , which came to light when some subscribers reported bills of $70,000 more than they were expecting ; police said that some of the men arrested were associated with the the Swedish state phone company Televerket and L M Ericsson Telefon AB , Reuter reports from Stockholm .
18 A special period should be set aside solely for the purpose of carrying out an inspection .
19 His name is remembered now chiefly for the Crum Brown–Gibson rule , enunciated with his assistant J. Gibson ( 1855–1914 ) in 1892 , concerning substitution in a benzene molecule .
20 The morale of the teachers is very low after everyone has tried so hard for the school .
21 ‘ The morale of the teachers is very low after everyone has tried so hard for the school .
22 The Holy Week that had passed so harshly for the children in Sea House had passed less fearfully in Dynmouth itself .
23 In particular , men like Paul-Henri Spaak , who had worked so hard for the EEC , were conscious of the fact that many economic interests within the Six supported the foundation of the EEC primarily because of the advantages they believed would be accruable to themselves .
24 This success could not have been achieved without the dedication of all the Chairmen , voluntary Officers , Committee members and teachers who have worked so hard for the Society during those years .
25 Maidstone chairman John Waugh , who bought the club just three weeks ago , said : ‘ I feel desperate for the people that have worked so hard for the club .
26 But , well wrapped up in the story , the device certainly worked well enough for the crime reviewers of that year to vote the book the Gold Dagger award .
27 To take you , a married woman and mother , away from your child when you have grieved so sorely for the other does not make sense .
28 He went off and came back soon , dressed more appropriately for the street .
29 I slung the letter back into the middle of the pile of correspondence and headed very quickly for the door .
30 The initial rate of expansion also would have had to be chosen very precisely for the rate of expansion still to be so close to the critical rate needed to avoid recollapse .
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