Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun pl] and " in BNC.

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1 The Museum , although having a modern exterior , was originally built around a Moorish bath-house Commemorative plaques of the Rock 's historical past have been posted all over the streets and buildings .
2 IN THE tunnel between Gloucester Road and Earls Court , the train-supposedly bound for Richmond-has come to a halt : 25 minutes pass , a hot , cross silence broken only by the coughs and tuts and groans and rattling Evening Standards of disgruntled passengers ( sorry , ‘ customers ’ ; London Underground now wishes to refer to the sad user of the subterranean network as a ‘ customer , ’ dictionary definition : n. one who buys ) .
3 On the first floor , he has devised one large empty space , its two side walls an uninterrupted 200 feet in length , broken only by the staircases and other services springing through its centre .
4 There was silence for a moment , punctuated only by the grunts and wheezes of the two ancient dames , until Gertrude said :
5 Between the fourth and eighth week all the main organs are formed together with the limbs and beginnings of skeletal structure .
6 With their emphasis on a world of forest spirits and magical dominations , they seem to have differed little from the experiences and practices of mainland Northern Europe .
7 In the thirteenth century the decoration of manuscripts was passing out of the hands of the religious houses to artists grouped together within the towns and working for patrons both lay and ecclesiastical .
8 The piano appears to be located just behind the strings and in correct dynamic relationship throughout .
9 A ten year Forestry development Plan was initiated in 1973 , and it was organised largely within the institutions and objectives of Saemol Undong , which emphasised effectively a broad-based approach to achieving rural welfare , an incremental step-by-step planning by villagers for their own village with an emphasis on short-term gains in income , and adequate government back-up services .
10 Sometimes when I 've come home from the pictures and I let myself in , it 's so quiet I 'd nearly talk to the statues for company . ’
11 Places differ not simply because their physical environments differ but also because , for a variety of reasons , people have responded differently to the opportunities and constraints that those environments offer .
12 It was Louisa as much as the doctor who supervised the carrying of Emilia into the Hall , holding her cold hand , murmuring small phrases of consolation and encouragement as the improvised litter was lifted carefully up the stairs and the invalid laid in the same bed where she had passed her first night at Easterness .
13 I know it 's a small point , but how many times have you tried to access the truss rod on a guitar , only to find that the screws are located immediately under the strings and that inserting a screwdriver is nigh on impossible without de-tuning ?
14 Not only was she sports captain she was also elected head girl in her final year at school , voted there by the pupils and the staff .
15 The Tories are likely to have blood all over the walls , cabinet ministers being torn apart by the multitudes and so on .
16 The Lorentz transformation takes the same form for all four-vectors : in the case of the four-momentum we can take the formulae ( 1.1 ) given above for the coordinates and replace x by p throughout .
17 Mr Milburn said Darlington had suffered badly under the Conservatives and praised a development at Mellen Street where the Labour council is in partnership with the YMCA to build 30 new homes for young adults .
18 I slept fitfully but well enough , disturbed only by the comings and goings of my companions .
19 If colleges of nursing can not supply these , then nurse education ought to be transferred away from the colleges and onto polytechnics and universities .
20 The soil pipe was connected directly into the drains and was open to the air at the top , well above the eaves of the house .
21 Since Fate was the power that kept order in the universe , as revealed particularly by the stars and planets , the prevalence of Stoicism influenced the growing belief in astrology in Hellenistic times and in the days of the Roman empire .
22 Beautifully situated close to the shops and beach .
23 Beautifully situated close to the shops and beach .
24 Even so , this is still largely an unmapped terrain , and the research strategy adopted here is one which aims to clarify some of the issues involved in inter-agency work and to identify areas of work in which it might be usefully advanced together with the limits and obstacles to its development .
25 ‘ It needs to be drawn away from the snobs and the elitist crowd .
26 It had a high neck and narrow sleeves too short for her , from which her chapped , bony wrists and her hands on which every knotted sinew and vein was visible protruded limply , as if they were stitched separately to the cuffs and not part of her arms at all .
27 A number of definitions have been used both by the institutions and by researchers .
28 It ca n't be stressed enough that you should know the entire play from which you select your audition piece ; not only that , but have thought carefully about the characters and their inter-relationship .
29 Thus the angular and straight lines drawn by the legs were also drawn simultaneously by the arms and hands , which were allowed to cross the centre line of the body , very often with a twist sideways at the waist .
30 The artists in the index are a cross-section of landscape and genre painters that appeal to solid middlebrow taste and are bought today by the businessmen and professional people of the kind who bought them when they were painted .
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